thirty one

717 18 1

the stands were rolling with cheers and laughter. people held up signs and posters for the contestants as the third and final task was beginning. the sky was gloomy and dark, yet the weather was perfect. it wasn't too cold and it wasn't too warm and a light breeze could be felt occasionally.

y/n sat with draco, who wore a black suit, on one side and marley on the other. crabbe, goyle, and draco were screaming loudly for krum yet y/n and marley cheered mainly for cedric.

"yeah!" the boys cheered and the two girls couldn't help but laugh at how excited they were.

when the champions walked out y/n stood up and clapped, "go cedric!"

he looked up and met her eyes and smiled when he saw her cheering for him. he held a hand up and waved, silently thanking her. she sat back down and grabbed dracos hand when dumbledore began to speak to the crowd.

"earlier today, professor moody placed the triwizard cup deep within the maze. only he knows it's exact position. now, as mr. diggory and mr. potter are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by mr. krum and miss. delacour. the first person to touch the cup will be the winner!"

the crowd erupted into cheers once again and y/n stood up, screaming out cedrics name.

"contestants! gather around, quickly!" the four huddled up close to dumbledore before he let them go back to their positions.

"on the count of three. one,"

once again filch fired off the cannon much sooner than he was supposed to and dumbledore threw up his arms. the champions began to make their way into the maze slowly and y/n watched as the entrances began to close behind them. the band continued to play for awhile before setting down their instruments. it soon became eerily silent as everyone waited patiently for the winner.

only about 20 minutes later, a bright red light shot up into the sky. y/n gasped as she waited to see who would be coming out. it ended up being fleur and y/n let her worry fade away.

minutes passed before both harry and cedric fell from the maze, the cup falling down next to them. y/n stood up and cheered with the others before realizing something was terrible wrong.

cedric laid on his back, his chest not moving. fleur screamed from the side her school sat on and the clapping stopped. y/n ran down from the stands as harry laid on cedric, screaming at dumbledore who tried to pull him away, "he's back, he's back! cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. i couldn't leave him, not there."

"keep everyone in their seats! a boy has just been killed!" y/n heard these chilling words and began to cry loudly.

she tried to run down to her friends lifeless body but snape held her back, telling her she couldn't go over to him. "let me go! let me go! cedric!" she screamed, thrashing rapidly to break free from snapes tight hold, "please let me go!"

cedrics father ran past her, "that's my son! that's my boy!"

y/n was heartbroken, the tears couldn't stop running down her face. she eventually stopped fighting and draco was quick to come and wrap her into a tight hug. she buried her head into his chest and cried loudly. he stroked her hair, telling her it would be alright. it wouldn't be alright. cedric was dead. she would no longer be able to see his bright smile or feel his warm hugs.

everyone was crying or upset. cedrics father kept yelling for his son, and this only made y/n cry harder.

"he's dead, draco!" she said through tears, "he's gone! he's gone!"

the sight in front of him almost made him break down into tears just seeing her so distressed. he didn't cry however because he knew he had to be strong for her. he kissed her head, mumbling out, "i know, i know."

he led her away from the scene quickly, knowing that being there would only upset her more.


"today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss."

y/n sat quietly in the great hall as she listened to professor dumbledores words. she had cried so much that she truly felt empty inside, there weren't any tears left that could possibly come from her eyes. draco sat next to her, giving her hand a squeeze every now and then. he didn't really care for cedric, but he knew that she did.

"cedric diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair minded, and most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend."

y/n winced at his words. she remembered all of the times cedric had been there for her, even more so over the year that had quickly passed. he hugged her when she was sad, laughed with her when she was happy, and comforted her in times of need.

"now, i think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. you see, cedric diggory was murdered by lord voldemort!"

y/n gasped at these words before dumbledore continued, "the ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this. but not to do so, i think, would be an insult to his memory. now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, and reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. in light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever. remember that, and cedric diggory will not have died in vain."

a singular tear slipped from y/n's eye and she was quick to wipe it away. she hated crying, she truly did. but the loss of someone she held so dear was quick to break down her brave exterior. cedric didn't deserve this, any of it. he was so kind and caring. a boy anyone would be lucky to know. he was gone now, but she would always remember him and would always keep him in her heart.


the end of the school year came and just like every year y/n sat on the train with draco, marley and this time, aliyah as well. she was still terribly sad due to the loss of her friend but draco always made her feel better and wiped her eyes when she cried.

the train ride was much quicker this time as y/n had dozed off on dracos shoulder. the train came to a stop and draco woke his girlfriend up. he took her hand as they walked off of the train.

"you'll write, won't you?" he asked and she laughed.

"absolutely not." he also laughed and pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek. the two parted ways and walked towards their families.

"hello, my dear." y/m/n said as she pulled her daughter into a hug. y/n had already written to her parents and informed them on the tragic loss of cedric diggory.

"hi, mum." she then turned and gave her father a big hug. she had missed them both so much and after the death of her friend, she was more than happy to be going home for the summer. cedric always crossed her mind, but she knew she had to be strong. after all, there was nothing she could do to bring him back.

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