fifty three

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"are you gonna tell us what that was all about, y/n?" ron asked as the four walked quietly side by side, "how did your fingers not burn?"

y/n sighed, "well, to put it into simple terms, i can control the elements. i just haven't really learned how to control my ability yet."

"that's amazing!" hermione beamed, "why did you never tell us this before?"

"yeah, i'm your best friend." ron added with a frown.

"i was never allowed to talk about it. father said others could see me as a threat and he wanted to make sure i was safe." y/n said.

the others nodded, understanding why she had never revealed her secret to them before. they continued to walk until they made it to the home of order. they stood in front of the building and watched as it began to move, creating a whole new structure.

light fixtures lit up the dark hallway as they walked inside. down the hall, a pile of dust sat messily on the ground and the four watched it carefully as it began to transform into a grey patch of particles. it took the form of dumbledore and quickly ran at them, making both y/n and hermione scream. the dust soon exploded into the air and fell to the ground once more.

"what was that all about?" ron asked as his voice shook.

"probably mad eye's idea, incase snape decided to come snooping." hermione said as she looked at y/n with wide eyes.

the four walked further into the building slowly after hearing some clattering noises. they looked around the kitchen and were able to find some non perishable food before heading to sleep for the night.

hermione slept on a couch with ron next to her and y/n took the other with harry on the ground next to her. it was freezing and they were all wrapped up in many different blankets, trying to keep warm.


"guys, where are you? i think i've found something."

y/n peeled her eyes open, trying to adjust to the bright light that shined into the room. she was the only one that still laying down and she was just happy she was finally able to get a small amount of sleep.

she pulled away the blankets quickly and stood up, rubbing her eyes. she followed ron's voice and soon joined the others. they stood in front of a room with the name "regulus arcturus black" and y/n gently ran her fingers across the door.

"r.a.b." y/n said as she thought back to the small piece of parchment that was in the fake horcrux. the others exchanged looks and they made their way swiftly back into the kitchen to reread the note.

"r.a.b. is sirius's brother." ron said as he looked at harry with wide eyes.

"yes." hermione said as she played with the sleeves of her shirt.

"how do we know if he actually destroyed the real horcrux?" y/n questioned.

the same noise that was heard last night could be heard again and the four whipped their heads in the direction that it had came from. they stood up slowly and harry approached the door, pulling out a house elf.

"you've been spying on us, have you?" harry spat.

"kreacher has been watching." the house elf muttered.

"maybe he knows where the real locket is." hermione said as she looked at y/n.

harry grabbed the necklace and showed it to kreacher, "have you ever seen this before?"

"it's master regulus' locket." kreacher stuttered as he eyed the horcrux cautiously.

"but there were two, weren't there? where's the other one?"

"kreacher doesn't know where the other locket is."

"yes, but did you ever see it? was it in this house?" y/n asked as she approached the house elf that stood timidly in front of her.

"who even are you?" kreacher said with his voice raised, "kreacher has never seen you before! filthy mudblood, granger and blood traitor, weasley!"

"answer her question!" harry yelled as he stood protectively in front of y/n.

"yes." kreacher growled, "it was here in this house. a most evil object."

"how do you mean?" harry asked.

"before master regulus died, he ordered kreacher to destroy it, but no matter how hard kreacher tried, he could not do it."

"well, where is it now? did someone take it?"

"he came in the night. he took many things, including the locket."

"who did? who was it, kreacher?"

the house elf huddled in the corner, "mundungus. mundungus fletcher."

"find him." harry ordered.


y/n laid her head in harry's lap as he sat on one of the two sofas, listening to ron and hermione play the piano. the raven haired boy ran a hand mindlessly through her hair as his other hand held his snitch.

a few moments later, the other two joined them as they sat on the couch in front of them.

"they have flesh memories. when scrimgeour first gave it to you, i thought it might open at your touch. that dumbledore had hidden something inside of it." hermione said.

y/n sat up as she heard noises come from the kitchen and she ran in quickly, the other three close behind. kreacher had his hands wrapped around mandungus's head while dobby was latched around the man's leg.

"get off me!" the man yelled before falling to the ground. he stood up, banging his head on some pans that rested overhead.

"as requested, kreacher has returned with the thief, mundungus fletcher."

the man went to draw his wand but y/n was faster, grabbing hers and calling out, "expelliarmus!"

"what are you playing at?" mundungus spat, "setting a pair of bleeding house elves after me."

"you're a thief, dung! everyone knows it!" ron said as he rolled up his sleeves.

"listen, i panicked that night, alright? could i help it if mad eye fell off his broom?"

"when you turned this place over, don't deny it, you found a locket, am i right?" harry asked as he stood in front of the now seated man.

"why? was it valuable?" mundungus asked through a smirk.

"bloody hell, mandungus, do you have the damn locket or not?" y/n yelled as her patience grew thin.

the man looked at her with a shocked expression, "listen, i don't have it. there i was, making my way through diagon alley when some ministry hag comes up and asks to see me license. says she's a mind to lock me up. and would've done it too, if she hadn't taken a fancy to that locket."

"who was she? the witch, do you know?" harry enquired.

"no, i," mandungus stopped as he reached for a newspaper that laid on the ground. he pointed to a woman, "well, she's there. look. bleeding bow and all."

he set the newspaper on the table and y/n allowed her eyes to examine the front page. her face went white when she saw the one person she had never wanted to see again, dolores umbridge.

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