forty six

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y/n sat in the empty quidditch stands next to hermione. they were watching the gryffindor team tryouts, hoping that ron would make the team.

"he's gonna make it, won't he?" hermione said she as she stared at the ginger boy.

y/n looked at ron as he looked up towards them, "of course he will. i mean, look at him."

"looking at him is telling me that he won't make it."

y/n laughed at her words. hermione was right. ron stood incredibly awkwardly in the group of students, he looked like a sunflower amongst a field of roses.

practice began and the two girls watched the boy intensely but y/n's eyes soon fell elsewhere as she noticed another boy staring at hermione.

"hermione," she said through a giggle, "seems as though cormac can't keep his eyes off of you."

"where?" hermione asked as her eyes scanned the players. she soon found him and he smirked at her, making her tense up awkwardly.

their eyes fell back on ron as they watched him block every single bludger.

"he's brilliant." y/n said as she clapped her hands.


y/n walked hand in hand with draco as they walked through the snow in hogsmeade. they walked into the three broomsticks, as always, and y/n turned to find a table.

"actually, why don't you go sit with harry and the others," he said as he pointed towards where harry was sitting, "i need to use the restroom. i'll find you when i'm done."

she nodded her head, "alright."

she walked over towards their table, smiling widely at everyone, "hi guys. mind if i join you?"

"of course not. sit, please. weren't you just with draco?" hermione asked as y/n pulled off her jacket and sat down.

"he'll be back in a moment." she said.

"oh bloody hell." ron said as he looked behind the two girls. dean and ginny sat close together, laughing and holding hands. "slick git."

"honestly, ronald, they're only holding hands." hermione said as she looked towards them, "and snogging."

y/n giggled as she watched the couple, "it's sweet, ron."

he shook his head, "i'd like to leave."

"what? you can't be serious." hermione said.

"that happens to be my sister."

"so? what if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? you expect her to leave?"

y/n sent harry a small smile and a wink at hermiones words. she could tell the two were completely infatuated with each other, it was obvious.

"hey, my boy!" a voice said from behind them and y/n turned around and noticed slughorn.

"hello, sir. wonderful to see you. so what brings you here?" harry said as he stood up to shake the professors hand.

"the three broomsticks and i go way back, further than i care to admit. listen my boy, in the old day i used to throw together the occasional supper party for the select student or two. would you be game?"

"i'd consider it an honor, sir." harry said.

"and you, miss y/l/n. i would love to see you there as well." professor slughorn said.

y/n nodded, "i'd love to, professor."

"you would be welcome too, granger."

"i'd be delighted, sir." hermione said as she took a sip of her butterbeer.

"splendid. look for my owl. good to see you, wallenby." with that slughorn turned and walked away. y/n couldn't help but laugh slightly at his name for ron.

minutes past, and y/n grew incredibly worried as draco had still not come to find her, "did any of you see draco come out?"

they shook their heads and y/n sighed. every time they had come to hogsmeade they would spend almost all of their time together in the three broomsticks, she couldn't imagine why this time would be any different.

after realizing that he wouldn't be coming, y/n and her friends stood to leave. they walked through the snow once more and made their way back towards the castle.

two girls walked in front of them and not long after, one of them let out a blood curdling scream, "i warned her! i warned her not to touch it!"

the girl on the ground was pulled roughly through the snow as she laid unconscious. she was whipped into the air and y/n stood, watching in terror. the girl was then thrown back onto the ground.

"don't get any closer. get back, all of you." hagrid said as he came up from behind. he approached the girl and picked her up gently. "do not touch that, except by the wrappings. do you understand?"

harry nodded and bent down to pick up the foreign object. y/n noticed that it was a necklace, "what in the bloody hell just happened?"


"you're sure katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the three broomsticks?" mcgonagall asked.

"it's like i said. she left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had the package. she said it was important that she deliver it." leanne said.

"did she say to whom?"

"to professor dumbledore."

mcgonagall nodded, "very well. thank you, leanne. you may go."

the girl turned to leave, leaving harry, ron, hermione and y/n to stand in front of professor mcgonagall.

"why is it when something happens it is always you three? you've even pulled y/n into this mess."

"believe me, professor, i've been asking myself the same question for six years." ron said.

snape entered the room and used his wand to examine the necklace.

"she was cursed, wasn't she?" harry asked, "i know katie. off the pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly. if she was delivering that to dumbledore, she wasn't doing it knowingly."

"yes, she was cursed." mcgonagall said and y/n took a deep breath, staring down at her shoes.

"it was malfoy." harry said.

y/n's heart dropped and she whipped her head to look at harry, "there's no way."

"that is a very serious accusation, potter." mcgonagall said as she turned around.

"indeed." snape added, "your evidence?"

harry sent a sad look to y/n before saying, "i just know."

"he's lying! i know draco and i know he wouldn't do such a thing!" y/n exclaimed as she began to feel incredibly overwhelmed.

snape looked at y/n, noticing her both angered and heart broken expression, "miss y/l/n, you are free to go. please head back to your dormitory."

she turned on her feet quickly, basically running out of the room. she walked through the corridors as quickly as she could to make her way towards the slytherin dorm. upon entering, she walked up the stairs towards the boys dorms and walked into dracos room.

he sat on his bed tensely, jumping slightly at the sound of the door opening, "y/n, i,"

"draco malfoy, tell me it isn't true." she said as she stood by the door. she didn't realize but she had began to cry, "tell me you didn't do it."

"do what?" he asked as he stood up to wipe the tears away from her face.

"curse that girl!" she said loudly as she smacked his hand away, "just tell me you didn't do it. lie to me, just don't tell me it was you!"

he stared down at her, his face going pale, "i didn't do it."

her chest heaved as she stared up at him. he was lying and she knew it, she just didn't want to hear him say he did. more tears fell down her face and in that moment she wanted to hate him. she wanted to hate him to badly, but she couldn't.

she shook her head, wiping her tears away and sniffling, "okay."

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now