thirty three

654 21 10

y/n sat next to marley at the slytherin table in the great hall. she used her fork to put a piece of chocolate cake in marleys mouth, causing her to moan in delight, "i've always hated chocolate, but that cake is to die for."

"isn't it!" y/n agreed, licking some chocolate off of her finger. she noticed draco smirk from across the table as he watched her. she looked away, turning her attention to dumbledore as he walked towards the front of the students.

"good evening, children. now, we have two changes in staffing this year. we're pleased to welcome back professor grubblyplank, who'll be taking care of magical creatures while professor hagrid is on temporary leave. we also wish to welcome our new defense against the dark arts teacher, professor dolores umbridge."

y/n choked on a piece of cake upon hearing that name. umbridge used to work in the ministry with her father and on several occasions tried to get him into all sorts of trouble.

dumbledore continued to speak until umbridge, who was dressed in multiple shades of pink, stood from her seat. all eyes turned and watched her as she walked around the long table.

"thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. and how lovely to see all of your bright happy faces smiling up at me."

y/n turned towards marley who looked equally as disgusted, "does she know what a smile is?"

marley shrugged, "apparently not."

umbridge continued, "i'm sure we're all going to be very good friends. the ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged."

y/n rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe that umbridge was going to be at the school everyday and was even more annoyed at the fact that she would surely recognize her.

finally the woman in pink walked away and very few people began to clap. the vibe of the room was awkward and almost everyone looked incredibly uncomfortable.

"what a joke." marley scoffed as she took a sip from her goblet.

"thank you, professor umbridge. that really was most illuminating." dumbledore said almost sarcastically, causing y/n to laugh. the girl physically couldn't hear any more words and all she wanted to do was go up to her dorm and be with her boyfriend.

dumbledore said a few more words before excusing the students and y/n basically flew up from her seat. she didn't want to spend another minute in the same room as umbridge even though she knew that would be inevitable.

marley walked quickly at y/n's side, clearly wanting to get away from the great hall too. the two basically ran to their dorm room and sighed once they walked through the door.

"i can not believe that poor excuse of a woman is going to be teaching us defense against the dark arts." y/n spat as she began to unpack her trunk and her bags.

"i agree. complete rubbish if you ask me. all i know is that i plan on sleeping through all of her classes." marley laughed as she began to unpack as well.

not long after, someone y/n knew all too well walked through the door. she held a high head but y/n could tell that she felt incredibly uncomfortable to be walking into the dorm she shared with the two people she once called her best friends.

"take a picture, it'll last longer." pansy said as she walked towards her side of the room.

"that'd be a god awful picture." y/n replied as pansy sent her a nasty glare. the girl simply rolled her eyes at the other before turning to marley, "i'm going to dracos room. i'll be back later."

she didn't even hesitate to turn and quickly walk out of the room. she truly couldn't stand pansy and just the sight of her made y/n want to vomit. she went down towards the common room and went up the stairs that led to the boys dorms. this time, she knocked on dracos dorm door. she knew that the other boys were in there and she didn't want to walk in on them doing something she didn't want to see.

someone quickly opened the door and y/n realized that it was goyle, "looking for me, were you?"

y/n scoffed, "oh god, as if." she pushed the boy to the side and walked into the room. draco smiled once he noticed her. he wasn't in the suit he had been previously been wearing, and was now dressed in more cozier clothing items.

"there you are, princess. was wondering if you got lost." draco chuckled before walking over to her and giving her a short kiss. the other boys in the room made kissing noises at them and y/n rolled her eyes at their childish behavior.

"sorry, i would've come sooner but i threw up a little. the smell in our room is horrid because pansy can't seem to keep her legs closed."

blaise laughed at her words, muttering out a "you're telling me."

y/n sat on dracos bed and smiled as she watched her boyfriend continue to unpack his belongings. she could watch him do literally anything and she would be the happiest person in the world. after he had finished he laid on top of y/n's legs, resting his head on her stomach and y/n ran her hands through his hair, twisting the silky pieces.

"so blaise," y/n began, "is it true you were seeing someone behind pansy's back?"

blaise looked at her, a confused look on his face, "where'd you hear that? i wasn't the one that cheated, it was her."

y/n gave him a sarcastic laugh, rolling her y/e/c eyes. "of course it was. doesn't surprise me, she's always been a home wrecker."

draco, who was still lying on her, laughed as well. the others soon went on to do their own thing, leaving draco and y/n to just lay in his bed.

"stay with me tonight." he said to her, turning his body so he could look up at her face. the girl shook her head.

"i can't. it's against school rules and i would not like to get in trouble by snape."

"but you're already here. and you can just simply go back to your dorm before anyone wakes up."

y/n thought for a moment, "fine, but if pansy runs her mouth saying that i didn't return to our room, i will not hesitate to hex her."

"that's fine by me." draco said as he smiled.

the five of them stayed up and talked for awhile before quickly turning out the lights for bed. draco made as much room on the small mattress as he could for the girl, even though it wasn't really necessary. she snuggled up as close as she could to him, resting her head on his chest and listening to the gentle beats of his heart. he kissed her forehead lightly before closing his eyes.

with his eyes closed, draco thought of all the times he had cried himself to sleep as a child, all of the times he had gone to sleep being truly unhappy. but this time was so different. this time he was falling asleep next to the one thing that made him happy, the one thing that made him want to change and see the world in a different way. he wanted this every night and every day. he just wanted her.

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now