fifty one

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"y/n, dear, are you alright?"

y/n sat on her bed, staring out of the window as hundreds of small raindrops raced down the glass surface. she didn't remove her eyes, "i'm fine, mum. just worried, i guess. scared, even."

her mum sighed gently before taking a seat on the large mattress next to her daughter. "my love, i've always known you were destined for great things. you are the strongest person i have ever met. you're gonna be okay. everything is gonna be okay."

"what if we fail? what if i've lost him for good? i'm not prepared for failure, and that's what scares me most." the girl said. the storm outside reminded her of the one that danced around her head.

failure. such a cruel word. one she'd never grown accustomed to. now, however, the thought of being unsuccessful never slipped from her mind. it seemed inevitable. she hadn't seen draco for weeks, and the hope that she would find him again seemed to grow smaller and smaller as each day passed.

"you are not going to fail. now, come. you must be going, darling. ron's waiting for you."

y/n stood from her bed, grabbing the small bag she had packed the night before. she walked towards her mirror, standing in front of it. she didn't look like herself. her eyes were dark and sad, her skin more pale than usual. her hair fell down her shoulders messily and her smile was no where to be seen.

she sighed before leaving her room and walking down the staircase towards the main entry way.

"there you are, my dear. are you ready?" y/f/n asked as he approached from the kitchen.

"yes." she said through a fake smile.

her father nodded, "righty then. now, don't forget, your mother and i will be there for the wedding."

the girl nodded, "yes, i know. i need to go, dad. ron's waiting for me."

y/f/n nodded, embracing his daughter into a tight hug, "i am so proud of you. you've done the family name wonders, and i know that you will continue to do so."

pulling away, an actual smile could be seen creeping onto y/n's face. she bid her goodbyes before stepping out of the front door and heading to the weasley's house.


"harry!" y/n exclaimed as she took him in, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.

"y/n! it's so good to see you!" he said as she pressed her lips to his cheek quickly.

"you're looking fit." hagrid said.

"yeah, he's absolutely gorgeous. what say we get undercover before someone murders him?" moody said sarcastically as he pushed through everyone to get into the house.

y/n rolled her eyes, stepping farther into the house as well. everyone from the order began to pile in, chattering quietly.

y/n stood in between the twins, resting her head on george's arm.

"we've got to get the hell out of here. and soon. potter, you're underage, which means you've still got the trace on you." moody said as he stood in front of everyone.

"what's the trace?" harry asked.

"if you sneeze, the ministry will know who wipes your nose. the point is, we have to use those means of transport the trace can't detect. brooms, thestrals, and the like. we go in pairs. that way, if anyone's out there waiting for us, and i reckon there will be, they won't know which harry potter is the real one."

"the real one?"

"i believe you're familiar with this particular brew." moody said as he smirked, holding up a container of polyjuice potion.

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now