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snape walked in powerfully, shutting all of the windows with his wand. he then pulled a string which rolled down a huge white backdrop. he turned towards the class, the same hard look resting on his face as he scanned all of the students. "turn to page 394."

y/n and draco quickly opened up their books as she turned towards him, "what happened to professor lupin?"

he only shrugged. snape walked down the row of third years to the back of the room.

"excuse me, sir." y/n said as he walked past her and dracos desk. "where's professor lupin?"

"that's not really any of your concern, is it, y/l/n?" he said to her as she raised her eyebrows, turning back to face the front.

"suffice it to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. turn to page 394." the man dressed in all black then tapped his wand on a projector.

as hermione examined the textbook page she spoke up, "sir, we just learned about red caps and hinkypunks. we're not meant to start this for weeks."

"quiet." snape boomed. "now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf."

y/n turned towards draco and saw that he was drawing something on a small piece of parchment, "what are you doing?" she whispered so snape wouldn't hear.

he looked up and smirked at her, "you'll see." he then folded the paper into a bird and placed it on his palm. he blew at it and the paper bird flew and landed in harry's hands. y/n watched as he unfolded it and then sent a glare at malfoy. draco glared back. y/n nudged her arm into the boy sitting next to her who quickly directed her gaze to her.

"why do you have to be such a git all of the time." she whispered at him.

"you love it."


y/n stood in the quidditch stands next to marley. pansy and blaise were too caught up in each other to even pay attention. the rain poured down heavily and y/n's hair was soaking wet. she once again wore dracos scarf and she could feel his ring on her finger under her gloves. her green raincoat did absolutely nothing to stop her clothes underneath from getting drenched. slytherin wasn't playing, but she had grown to love the games and wanted to attend every single one.

players were falling off of their brooms left and right and even though harry and y/n were no longer friends, she still checked every person that fell to the ground, making sure it wasn't him.

soon after he had disappeared in the clouds, y/n saw harry begin to fall from the sky. she gasped loudly and watched as dumbledore quickly threw out a spell so he wouldn't hit the ground too hard.


"i'm freezing!" marley said as her and y/n quickly walked into the slytherin dorm.

"there you are! i was getting worried." draco said as he stood up from the sofa. marley winked at y/n and swiftly climbed the stairs to their dorm, leaving her and malfoy alone.

"good god, you're soaked!" he exclaimed as he embraced her. she giggled.

"yeah, the rain was crazy. players were getting knocked off their brooms from the storm."

"i'm just glad you're okay. change into some warmer clothes and meet me back down here."

y/n nodded and climbed the stairs to her room. she changed quickly and walked back down to the common room. she saw draco was sat on the sofa, but this time he had something in his hands.

"here, put this on." he said as she sat down. it was a dark green jumper. she threw it on over her hair and took in its scent. it smelt exactly like him. she smiled at him and he lightly tucked a wet piece of hair behind her ear. "keep it, it looks better on you."

he kissed her forehead gently and then took her in under his arm. the two sat cuddled on the sofa in front of the fire. "i'm so happy i met you. i don't know what i'd do without you."

draco smiled at her words, feeling his cheeks grow warm. he was blushing. the draco malfoy, the one who was mean to everyone but her, was blushing. he had always held a hard exterior, but she was able to knock it all down.

she truly never thought this would happen either. even though she was in slytherin, she always saw ron as her best friend. she figured nothing would change between the two, but she was wrong. being in different houses made all of the difference in the world. ron didn't even look at the girl anymore unless he was glaring at her. it hurt for awhile, but she soon realized that she didn't need him or his friends. y/n had met new friends that loved her no matter what and that was all she needed. being in slytherin was perfect and she wouldn't change houses, even if she was given the option.


the snow scattered all around y/n, snowflakes falling into her hair. she was wrapped up in heavy pants, dracos jumper, a big coat, and snow boots. a slytherin beanie rested on top of her head and her own scarf rested around her neck as draco wore his. the students were going to hogsmeade again. they walked along the snowy path, kicking snow at each other every once in awhile.

they walked into many small shops, gathering different types of candies and snacks before heading to get a butterbeer just like last time. after leaving another shop, the pair were met with crabbe and goyle.

"c'mon guys. we're gonna go see the shrieking shack!" goyle said as he smirked.

even though y/n didn't want to go, she followed draco anyway. they walked up a big hill before spotting ron and hermione. draco smirked as he let go of y/n's hand and walked up towards the two.

"well, well. look who's here. you two shopping for your new dream home? bit grand for you, isn't it, weaslebee? don't your family sleep in one room?"

ron rolled his eyes, "shut your mouth, malfoy."

draco turned towards y/n and smirked at her, "not very friendly." he then turned to crabbe and goyle before saying, "boys, i think it's time we teach weaslebee how to respect his superiors."

hermione laughed and stepped up to draco, "hope you don't mean yourself!"

"how dare you talk to me! you filthy little mudblood!" draco spat.

ron turned towards y/n, noticing she hadn't said anything, "well! are you just going to let your little boyfriend speak to hermione like that!"

"oh god, you're right! i forgot i'm the one supposed to stick up for her while you just stand there and look pretty weasley!" she yelled.

ron looked at her exasperated, "she's your friend, too!"

"she is not!" y/n said as she crossed her arms, "in fact, neither are you! how are you going to go and make new friends and completely forget about the ones you already had!"

ron looked at her and narrowed his eyes, "why would i be friends with someone who's sleeping with the enemy?"

"the enemy!" y/n screeched. draco put his hands around her, holding her back from stepping up to ron, "he's not the enemy, you git! god, you're so stuck up and blind!"

y/n rolled up a snowball before chucking it at ron's face. just after she did that a snowball flew up from over a snowy hill and hit draco.

"who is that?" he said as he scanned over the area with his eyes. another snowball came into view and hit draco in the shoulder. more and more snowballs were thrown as draco and his friends ran backwards, "don't stand there! do something!" he screamed to crabbe.

the boys were then thrown into the snow by an unseeable source. goyle was swung by his scarf and crabbe was kicked down with his pants at his ankles. the thing then grabbed draco by his boots and drug him across the cold ground.

standing up, the three boys ran away. draco called out to y/n telling her to run but she knew she wasn't in any form of danger. in fact she knew exactly what was happening. first year, ron told y/n all about how harry had received an invisibility cloak.

"you all suck." y/n said to the two that were stood, and harry who could still not be seen. she then turned away and walked towards where draco had ran.

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now