forty two

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a bright light could be seen in the middle of the room before splitting off into several different trails. the white smoke went after the death eaters, causing them to drop everyone they had been holding.

the white trails revealed almost everyone in the order and y/n coughed as she tried to catch her breath. bellatrix held onto her neck so tightly that it was hard for y/n to get any air into her lungs.

a fight soon broke out and tonks was quick to grab y/n, hermione, and luna, protecting them from the spells that were being thrown out. they all sat behind a large rock, watching as harry and sirius battled lucius and another death eater. she wanted so badly to go and help but ron held onto her tightly, telling her there was no way he was going to let her go out there.

after sirius had successfully knocked lucius away from him and harry, bellatrix came and drew her wand, pointing it right at sirius. "avada kedavra!"

y/n gasped as sirius went limp. he fell back into the portal, disappearing from sight. harry let out a heartbroken scream as lupin quickly grabbed him to hold him back. y/n watched as he finally broke free of lupins grasp and ran straight after bellatrix.

she didn't know what to do, all she wanted was to be in dracos arms. she wanted to cry and tell everyone that she was honestly terrified. but she knew that wasn't her. that wasn't the girl she had made herself up to be. she tried to stand to run after harry but ron held her tightly.

"let me go, ron! i need to go help harry!" she exasperated.

"there is no way i am going to let you die tonight, too." he said.

the sound of glass breaking startled everyone and y/n shut her eyes, trying to drown out the sounds. she had no idea what was happening in just the room over.

after the sounds stopped, y/n finally broke out of ron's arms and everyone followed her. broken shards of glass covered the ground and she saw dumbledore standing over harry. she stood back, worry written on her face.

for just a split second, voldemort could be seen as people who worked in the ministry approached. y/n took a deep breath as she watched all of the faces turn scared.

"he's back." fudge said with wide eyes.


y/n gave the slytherin door the password and she quickly walked inside. she was so happy she had returned to hogwarts. sitting on the emerald sofa, marley, draco, and blaise turned their heads to look at who had just walked in and they all quickly jumped up, running over to embrace y/n into a large group hug. the girl giggled as she pulled away, "hi, guys."

"we heard about what happened. are you okay?" marley asked as she took in all of y/n's features.

"yeah, yeah. i'm okay." y/n said.

she turned her direction towards draco who held the biggest smile. "you are the most incredible person i have ever met." he said.

she didn't say anything, she just quickly wrapped her arms around his neck as she pressed her lips to his, kissing him as if this was the last time she would ever be able to do so.

she pulled away and looked into his eyes, "your father,"

he shook his head, he had already known. she nodded, it wasn't necessarily a topic that she wanted to bring up in front of her and draco's friends. it was a private matter and she respected that.

"i'm so happy you're okay, y/n." blaise said as he gave her a friendly smile. she pulled him into a hug and squeezed him tightly. over the years, this one especially, blaise had grown to become one of her best friends. they shared many interests, one of them being their hatred towards pansy.

"i'm sorry i left and didn't say anything, i didn't really have the time." y/n said through a laugh.

"don't be. what you did was amazing. we're just happy you're home with us." marley said.

y/n felt so much love and she knew that what marley said was true. she wasn't home because she was back at hogwarts, she was home because she was surrounded by some of the only people that made her feel safe.


y/n and draco sat together in the courtyard, his head laying in her lap. it was a beautiful day, definitely something she needed after her experience at the ministry.

she spoke up, "do you wanna talk about it, babe?"

he sighed gently, "there's really nothing to talk about."

"i know. i wouldn't have brought it up if i had known you already knew. i'm sorry."

he shook his head, "don't be sorry. it's not your fault, it's his."

it was silent for awhile. the wind blew through their hair and the air smelt of grass. she couldn't stop replaying sirius's death in her head. she knew how terrible harry must feel and all she wanted to do was take his pain away.

"will you just promise me one thing draco, please?" y/n sighed, running her warm fingers through the hair of the boy she had grown to love.

the boy in her lap opened his eyes that had previously been closed due to the feeling of contentment the girl was providing to him. "for you, my love, anything."

"promise me you won't make the wrong choice."

he stared into her eyes and nodded slightly. he didn't want to promise her because he didn't know if he would be able to keep it. luckily for him, she didn't say anything after. she looked away but draco continued to stare up at her. he would never take his eyes away if he had the choice. she was so brave and strong and he admired her for it, he wished he had the same amount of bravery but unfortunately he didn't.

he would never admit it, not even to her, but he knew that he was a coward. he knew that he was desperately afraid of almost everyone and everything. he was mean to others merely to get the attention his family had lacked to provide when he was growing up. he wanted to change. he wanted to be the man y/n deserved.


"another year is really gone, huh?" marley said sadly as the train made its way to the kings cross station.

"unfortunately." y/n said. she watched as draco played with his old ring that was still rested on her finger. she hardly ever took it off and it would remain on her finger for as long as it could. she smiled and kissed his cheek before he turned to kiss her lips.

"i hope next year isn't as chaotic as this one was." blaise said through a chuckle and everyone agreed.

"you all will visit, won't you?" y/n asked.

"of course."

"without a doubt."

"absolutely, princess."

the girl smiled and rested her head on dracos shoulder. she let out a happy sigh and continued to listen to the wheels on the train move swiftly along the tracks.

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now