twenty six

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y/n stood in the courtyard with marley. draco was sat in a tree as he spoke to some fellow slytherins that she really didn't know. she noticed almost everyone wore badges that said "potter stinks." she couldn't help but feel bad for harry, everyone was mocking him and he truly didn't deserve it.

she watched him walk into the area before cedric pulled him away. she threw a sad smile in that direction before looking back at her friend, "anyway, as i was saying, i'd be more than happy to help you with your charms test."

"that'd be great, y/n. oh and i have been meaning to tell you,"

marley was cut off by the sound of dracos voice, "why so tense, potter? my father and i have a bet, you see. i don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament. he disagrees. he thinks you won't last 5." he then jumped down from the tree and walked closer to harry.

"i don't give a damn what your father thinks, malfoy!" harry said angrily as he walked up and shoved draco backwards.

draco grew angry and looked at him with an irate face.

"he's vile and cruel. and you're just pathetic." harry spat, "i genuinely will never know why y/n chose you over everyone else in this school. she deserves better than a disgusting being like yourself."

y/n looked stunned by his words, she wasn't expecting harry to bring her into their little argument.

"you leave her out of this, potter." draco said. he was fuming, "and me? pathetic?" he reached for his wand while harry walked away before moody spoke up, walking over to the boys.

"oh, no, you don't, sonny!" he sent a yellow wave of light at draco and he turned into a snow white ferret. "i'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!"

y/n and marley laughed, she would have stuck up for the boy but as usual he was the one that started it. she believed he deserved this.

moody was pissed. he walked towards draco, who was still a furry little animal and said, "you stinking, cowardly, scummy," he used his wand to fly draco through the air.

"what are you doing?" mcgonagall said, cutting him off as she quickly rushed over to the scene.


"is that a, is that a student?" y/n and marley were still laughing, this was incredibly amusing.

"technically, it's a ferret." moody then shoved draco into crabbes pants. once he had gotten out, mcgonagall quickly transformed draco back into his actual form. his hair was a complete mess.

"my father will hear about this!" he yelled.

"is that a threat?" moody yelled back as he chased draco around the tree. draco was quick to run off, his group of friends following after him.

y/n shook her head and crossed her arms, a smile still on her face while she chuckled.

"i can not believe you're dating that boy." a voice from next to her said through a laugh. it was cedric.

"you know, sometimes i really can't believe it either." she said back. "i'm excited to watch you in the tournament. i'll be cheering for you from the stands."

he smiled at her, "i hope you will. we haven't spoken in awhile, how have you been?"

"i've been okay, hanging in there. what about you?"

he nodded, "i've been okay as well. nervous for the tournament, of course."

she grinned at him, "you'll do amazing. i should probably go find draco, but talk later?"

"absolutely." he then made his way back over to his friends that were across the courtyard and y/n and marley ran off to go find draco.

"oh!" y/n began, "you wanted to tell me something?"

marleys eyes grew wide, "oh, yes. i've been seeing someone!"

y/n gasped, "who? elodie?"

marley shook her head, "no. someone else. she's actually in hufflepuff with cedric. her name is aliyah and she's amazing y/n! i'm finally not the only single one in our group!"

y/n chuckled, "about time. i cant wait to meet her."

"you'll love her, trust me."

the two girls continued walking down the many corridors in the castle, searching for the blonde boy. y/n figured he had probably ran straight for his dorm to quickly fix his hair before too many people saw.

she was correct. when her and marley walked in crabbe and goyle were seated in the common room along with some other boys, "where's draco?"

crabbe simply pointed up the stairs and y/n nodded. marley and her parted ways and she walked up the stairs and down the hall until she reached his familiar dorm door. she didn't bother knocking and just walked in. draco was stood in front of a small mirror, frantically trying to put his hair back into place.

"babe," she giggled as she sat on his bed, "are you alright?"

"no!" he said loudly, "look at my hair!"

y/n continued to laugh and stood up, walking over to him. she took the brush from his hands and led him to the bed, having him sit on the edge while she stood in front of him. she brushed his hair softly, fixing it back to its normal state, "there."

"thank you, my love." he said as he wrapped his hands around her waist loosely. she smiled down at him while he looked up. she looked into his beautiful blue eyes for a moment before leaning down. she connected her lips to his, gently kissing him for the first time. it was short and sweet, a perfect first kiss in her eyes.

after she pulled away she sat on the bed next to him, interlacing their fingers.

"you don't think that what potter said is true, do you?" he questioned. his voice was soft and vulnerable, almost as if he were afraid to ask.

"of course not, draco. you're good to me, and you're good for me. i couldn't imagine myself with anyone else."

"promise?" he asked as he held up his pinky. y/n chuckled at his words, wrapping her pinky around his.

"i promise."

draco sighed gently and laid back on his bed, motioning for the girl to lay next to him. she walked around the bed and laid down in his arms. they then began to talk about anything and everything.

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now