forty nine

568 18 1

the moon was bright, casting small morsels of light atop of the dark and gloomy atmosphere. things at hogwarts had changed tremendously and y/n knew that a war was coming.

she would fight alongside her friends and family, she would fight against voldemort. her only worry, was draco. he had confessed to her many times that he was only doing this because his father was forcing him. she hated lucius, despised him, even. she would never be able to understand why a father would put something so horrendous on his sons shoulders.

y/n had gotten better, her skin had returned to his original state and she began to smile more. she spent all of her time with draco, watching him closely, making sure he didn't do anything stupid. she was scared for him but she knew she would do absolutely anything to keep him safe. after all, they had agreed to protect one another 4 years before.

draco had moments where he would break down and cry, letting all of his emotions out. he had moments were he would grow incredibly angry and y/n would have to hold him in her arms until he settled down. he had moments where he stared off, saying absolutely nothing for many hours at a time. more importantly, after a long year, he had moments where he would smile and laugh, a sight y/n had almost forgotten about.

y/n sat in her common room, waiting for dracos return. he had left early in the morning and it was now past 10. he hadn't told her where he was going, just that he would be back soon.

she rose from her seat, deciding that she would just go check to make sure he was alright. she walked through almost the entire castle, there was no sign of him anywhere. she decided she would check the one place he would go when he needed to think, the astronomy tower.

she climbed the many stairs quickly until she began to hear voices coming from the top. she slowed her walk down, stepping slowly so she wouldn't cause too much of a commotion.

"harry?" she said when she reached a platform just below the top of the tower, "what are you doing up here?"

"y/n!" he exclaimed quietly. he grabbed her quickly, pressing a hand to her mouth. he pointed upwards with his head and y/n let her eyes trail up.

there he stood. the blonde boy she loved more than anything, pointing his wand straight at dumbledore. y/n gasped and harry pressed his hand down harder.

"good evening, draco." dumbledore said weakly, "what brings you here on this fine spring morning?"

"who else is here? i heard you talking." draco said. his voice shook with sadness and fear.

y/n tried to get away from harry's tight hold but he held her tighter, shaking his head at her.

"i often talk aloud to myself. i find it extraordinarily useful. have you been whispering to yourself, draco? draco, you are no assassin."

"how do you know what i am?" draco spat and y/n closed her eyes for a moment as she took a deep breath. "i've done things that would shock you."

"like cursing katie bell and hoping that in return she'd bear a cursed necklace to me? replacing a bottle of mead with one laced poison? forgive me, draco. i can not help feeling these actions are so weak, your heart can't really have been in them." dumbledore said quietly.

y/n turned and hugged harry tightly, stopping herself from crying at the words her head master spoke.

"he trusts me! i was chosen!" draco said. his voice shook with every word as he lied through his teeth. he lifted up his sleeve, revealing his dark mark. y/n had already seen it, he showed it to her awhile ago.

harry gasped as he looked at the mark on draco's arm. he looked at y/n with wide eyes and she just looked at him, tears beginning to form. she nodded her head, silently telling him that she had already known and he took her into another hug.

"then i shall make it easy for you," dumbledore began.

draco was quick to throw out "expelliarmus," sending dumbledores wand to the other side of the tower. draco shook with fear as he held his wand out. he face began to glisten from sweat and he looked as though he was about to cry once more.

y/n's eyes went wide as she heard foot steps come from above and realized that draco hadn't been alone. dumbledore tried to reason with the boy, but draco shook his head.

"i don't want your help! don't you understand? i have to do this. i have to kill you, or he's gonna kill her." a tear slipped past dracos eye as he held his wand with a shaking hand.

y/n had enough. she ran past harry and up the stairs, "draco, don't do this! come here, please come here. lower your wand, baby."

bellatrix laughed and another death eater held onto y/n tightly. the girl thrashed around, trying to free herself. draco watched her and looked at her with so much heartbreak and terror in his eyes.

"do it!" bellatrix yelled.

draco didn't take his eyes off of y/n. she pleaded with her eyes, begging him to stop. "don't do it, draco." she said in between sobs.

"he won't do it. not with this bloody girl around." the man holding y/n said. he ran a dirty finger down her cheek and the girl winced at his touch.

"don't touch her!" draco demanded, as he went to step towards them.

"no! the dark lord was clear, you have to do this!" bellatrix screamed as she stepped in front of him. "this is your moment. do it! go on, draco! now!"

draco stared at y/n as she mouthed an "i love you". he began to shake again when he turned his eyes to look back at dumbledore.

"no." snape said as he walked up the stairs.

draco lowered his wand and breathed out in relief. he walked over to y/n quickly, taking her from the mans arms. he held her tightly, running his hands through her messy hair. they stood together and y/n buried her head in his chest, hoping that this was all just a nightmare and she would wake up soon.

"please." dumbledore said as he stared at the man he had once called his friend.

"avada kedavra!" snape yelled.

y/n let out a heartbreaking sob, knowing what just had happened. snape pulled draco away from y/n and dragged him down the stairs.

"draco!" she screamed as she tried to follow after them. harry stopped her for a moment but then grabbed her hand, pulling her down the stairs. they ran through the corridors and out of the front doors quickly, following after the group of death eaters.

"snape! he trusted you!" harry screamed, making the group turn around.

y/n stared at draco and he stared back. he wanted to run up to her, but he knew he would be killed if he tried.

"draco, please, you don't have to do this!" y/n yelled as she fell to her knees. she was far to weak to do anything.

"i love you, too!" draco yelled before turning and running into the forest.

she cried for what felt like hours, her heart had been ripped from her chest. she could feel her eyes begin to burn and before she knew it, everything had gone black.

the wrong choice // d.l.m.Where stories live. Discover now