Daisuga: i love you..

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ART DOES NOT BELONG TO ME! well this is my first fan-fiction I really hope you enjoy it I tried to makes sense but I fail at that a lot but I hope you enjoy also leave suggestions of what ship I should do next!

Daichi's POV

I'm in love with sugawara koushi I have been since the beginning of our second year. And I think it's about time he knew.. I've tried suppressing my feelings hoping they would go away so I wouldn't have to face him but the more I try getting rid of these feelings the more I love him. He's never really talked about love in the time I've known him. when he does the conversation ends quickly.

"Daichi are you paying attention?" My teacher asks me with an unamused face

"y-yes ma'am" I responded

Suga looks at me and smiles, how could someone be so beautiful and kind and smart. I catch myself staring and looked away quickly so I wouldn't get caught

Time skip to after school volleyball practice

No ones pov:

Dachi couldn't help but stare at sugawara during practice, he ended up getting hit straight in the face with one of hinata's spikes.

The team ran over to daichi he had blood dripping from his nose suga helped him up and decided to take him to the nurse. Hinata was apologizing so much it made their heads hurt the taller 3rd year told him that he was fine and he would just go to the nurse it wasn't a big deal. As the grey haired male took daichi to the nurse hinata was being scolded by kageyama.

"Are you sure your ok captain?" The white haired male said with worry in his voice.

"I'm fine suga it's only a nose bleed" daichi said while holding a cloth to his nose and smiling

Suga looked away with blush covering his face
"You really are the team mom aren't you suga" dachi said with a giggle.

"If I'm the team mom who's the team dad?" Suga asked with pure Curiosity.
"Hmm maybe Ennoshita? Tanaka? hah! No way in hell would he be the team dad!" suga said while holding back laughter.

"I think I would be the team dad Suga" daichi said with a bit of jealousy in is voice.

Suga looked at him with blush across his pale face. Daichi realized what he had said and changed the topic.

"Hey! Look we're at the nurse!"

"Yea lets get you cleaned up" suga blushed

They looked for the nurse but she wasn't their
"Where would she be?" Daichi said

"Hmm I don't know but it's ok I'll take care of your nose bleed!"

Daichi didn't know how to react suga the love of his life was about to take care of him. Daichi sat down on one of the beds and let suga clean his face of blood the dark haired male realized how close they were and blushed suga noticed but he didn't move though he just stared in daichi's eyes between his legs holding both sides of his face only inches away. The light haired male realized what he was doing and backed up.

"Your nose stopped bleeding! Your all good" suga said with a goofy grin and blush spread across his face.

Dachi sat up and moved closer to suga thinking this was his chance! He was right in front of suga looking down slightly because of their height difference he had blush spread across his face and was brushing some stray strands of hair off suga's face. He held on to suga's right cheek and slowly leaned down, suga was looking up at daichi and wasn't moving they both started to lean in when tanaka busted through the door.

"GUYS- ooh am I interrupting something?" The bald man said with a smirk on his face
They both backed away from each other and looked away,

"N-no but w-we should get back to practice!" Suga said attempting to change the subject.

"Y-yea" the taller male said with disappointment hidden in his voice

After practice daichi and suga we're walking home when the decided to stop at the park.

The park had the perfect view of the sunset the was a mix of reds, oranges, yellows, pinks, and blues it was beautiful they rested by the railing that was over looking the hills with a few houses spread around them. This was the perfect moment daichi thought

"Suga im sorry"

"Eh? Sorry for what?" The white haired male looked up at the taller 3rd year confused

"I'm sorry for not doing this sooner" he said facing suga and suga facing him this was the perfect moment to tell him

"Sugawara can I k-kiss you" The darker haired male said with blush almost as red and beautiful as the sunset ahead of them.

Suga looked at him with a cherry red face and said nothing but nodded.

Slowly dachi reached his hands out to grab the white haired males waist, once he rested his hands on suga's waist, daichi pulled him in closer. Suga rested his hands on the taller mans chest and looked into his deep drown eyes and daichi looking back into suga's pale eyes that were full of love and care for the taller 3rd year.

Dachi started to lean in and so suga followed his lean. Their faces were inches apart they closed their eyes and closed the gab between them it was a kiss full of feelings and emotions that were never said and never heard daichi put all his love into the kiss and so did suga. The white haired 3rd year wrapped his arms around the taller males neck and tilted his head to deepen the kiss and also having daichi lean down a bit more. They slowly broke the kiss and stared into each others eyes never wanting to let go of this moment.

their bodies were so close together their faces were now as pink as the sun set they sat like that just staring in each others eyes lost in the love they found for each other suga loved daichi he really does with all his heart he wanted the tall 3rd year to be his and only his, he wanted to be the only one to touch his lips and hold his hand he wanted to be the only one by his side finally one of them spoke up.

"Sugawara koushi you are the most beautiful person I have ever met your smile makes my day your laugh make me just want to kiss you and claim you as mine and your eyes are so beautiful I get so lost when ever you look at me gosh I'm rambling what I'm trying to say is...

"I-I love you Sugawara koushi"

The white haired male had his hands on the darker males chest and was looking at him in his brown eyes he had tears running down his face and the biggest and most beautiful smile and finally spoke up and said.....

"I love you to"

Well that was my first one shot I hope it was any good anyway daisuga is like my favorite ship in haikyuu so I just had to write a one shot for it first anyway thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!!!!

Word count: 1239

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