Chapter 2

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-Dinner time-

Upon arriving in the canteen, the guy in blue got his food and sat down at a table in the back.

"Yo, Wes!" A grunt yelled from another table as he turned around towards him. "I heard you got praised by the boss again. Nice job." He gave Wes the thumbs up.
"It was nothing." Wes replied before focussing on his supper again.
While he was eating, Wes started plotting some things. A plan to get away from this place. Sometimes he smiled to himself a little.


That evening he started collecting some items which could be of use to him, like medicines.

"Already packing for your next catch?" Both Wes and Espeon looked up and turned around to face a grunt with sunglasses on. "Never taking a break, huh?"
Wes shrugged and showed half a smile. "Hello Agrev. Yeah. You know me."
"I know that the more fighting machines we can create, the better. But.. taking a break from time to time can do a man good, you know?"
"Mhm. You just want to have more time to become better than me, don't you?" Wes taunted Agrev, causing the both of them to snicker.
"You.. watch your words." Agrev warned him before turning around and walking to his own bed.

After watching him walk away, Wes continued making preparations.


As soon as he had gathered everything and having things - like his transportation - in place, Wes went and did his standard routine at the hideout which included checking up on the other's Pokémon. This way, no-one would suspect anything.

The moment he had round up his tasks, he called it a day and laid down in bed. Turning onto his side, he smiled and winked at Umbreon and Espeon to let them know that tomorrow will be the day of action. Both Pokémon's eyes filled up with excitement for the big day.
'Tomorrow will be a fun day.'

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