Chapter 39

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"Ahhh. Finally our ears can rest again." Rui said, relieved, as soon as they had gotten outside, through the lab's exit.

Wes' P⭐DA rang not much later.
"Hm?" Opening his mail, he saw that Nett had sent him something. A reminder of bringing him any data when found. "Let's bring that Data Rom you found to Nett. Perhaps he can do something with it." He then told Rui.


- Kids Grid -

"Hey, Nett, we're back from the lab."
"Oh, Wes. How did it go? Did you find any data?"
"Yeah, we found Ein's Data Rom."
"Here." Rui handed it over to Nett.
"Oh, now this looks interesting! Let's scope it out right away!" Nett said, inserted the rom into his computer and looked at its content for a bit. "Oh, hey!"
"This Data Rom appears to contain a list of Shadow Pokémon that have been made so far!"
"For real?"
"Yep. Awww, but no! It looks like they've wiped the data. Wes, please leave this with me. I'll somehow try retrieving information from it, even if it means going over it little by little. As soon as I discover anything, I'll e-mail your P⭐DA."
"That's fine. We'll leave it up to you."
"Anything else we can do here?" Rui asked Nett.
"Nope. Nothing for now."
"Then we'll be going, okay?

"Wes, hey, did you meet up with that Silva guy? He was saying something about going to check out Realgam Tower." Bitt questioned them when they left the building.
"But where is Realgam Tower anyway?" He then mumbled.
Wes and Run looked at each other, but couldn't answer Bitt's question.

When leaving The Under by the Colosseum's construction elevator, a worker was standing there.
"Sir, what are you doing here, alone?"
"Well, we finally finished working on that gigantic tower. Im resting here for a bit. But, whew, did it take long to build or what? I don't know when was the last time I went back home. You go up there and see it for yourselves. It's clean and shiny... it's what I call gorgeous!"
"That sounds like that beautiful white building we saw at that one construction site." Rui nudged Wes.
"I think that might be Realgam Tower. Shall we go immediately?"
"What do you think?"
Rui was taken aback by this question. "What do I think? Ehm.. maybe we should. Or we could go to.. to see if.. Why did you even ask? Weren't you from the reckless behaviour? Going all in?"
Wes stared into the distance, nkt saying a word.
'What has gotten in to him? Have his experiences at the lab had a negative impact on him or something? Or.. wait..' Rui got a small, sly grin on her face. "Do you perhaps care about me, Wes?"
Wes' eyes widened, regaining his calmer face not as quickly as he wanted to. "What?! I.. No!"
"What's with that face? I was just kidding." Rui said whilst being satisfied with the reaction she provoked. "Just some payback~."
"Let's go to the Phenac Colosseum," Wes said whilst gritting his teeth a little. "I need to blow of some steam and relax after being in that lab."


Four times. That was the amount of challenges Wes took at the Phenac Stadium.

"Thank you for entering the challenge. Here is your Prize Money and TM for your forth victory. If you wish to enter more challenges, keep in mind that no further TMs will be included in your rewards."
"Thanks. And okay. That's fine then." Wes replied to the receptionist.

"Calmed down enough, Mister Hothead?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Not even enough fury left for one more possible battle?"
"One more possible battle?"
"Yeah. I've heard rumours about music coming from the depths of that cave in Pyrite."
"Music? Miror B.'s back there? Why didn't you say so sooner? Let's go."
'That's the Wes I know.' Rui thought, smiling.

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