Epilogue (pt.2)

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Nett: "Hi, it's Nett. I analysed the Shadow Pokémon List again and discovered six more of them. The additions are Noctowl, Flaaffy, Houndoom, Shuckle, Miltank and Delibird. I'll be in contact."

Wes looked up at the eastern part of the building, considering whether he'd do something. Making up his mind, he reenters the hideout and proceeds towards were Gonzap had his office.

Inside, Gonzap was standing next to his desk. The moment he saw Wes entering, he started laughing.
"Pretty brazen for a traitor to come stumbling back, eh, Wes?!"
"I got careless back at Realgam Tower, but his is the Snagem Hideout. We might be shattered, but this is my home turf. This is where I make my stand. I can't lose! Machamp, Breloom, let's finish this traitor!"
"Espeon, Psychic on the Breloom. Meganium, Body Slam the Machamp."
"Crawdaunt, go. Machamp, Hyper Beam!"
Espeon barely survived, so Wes had to heal him up. Because Machamp would have to recharge, he focussed on the Crawdaunt. "Giga Drain."
"Swords Dance."
"Finish off the Crawdaunt and use Psychic on the Machamp."
'This might be bad.' Gonzap thought and replaced his fainted Pokémon for his Armaldo and Granbull.
"Espeon, use Protect. Meganium, attack the Granbull."
"Use Swords Dance."
"Focus your attacks on the Granbull. If it lands on his next Pokémon, that's fine too."
"Go for it, Gyarados! Armaldo, attack the Espeon with Ancient Power!"
"Quagsire, I choose you. Use Giga Drain and Surf."
"Dragon Dance, Gyarados. Armaldo, Hyper Beam."
"Quagsire, no! Do it, Umbreon. Both of you, finish off the Armaldo now that it can't attack."
"Gyarados, Hyper Beam."
"Confuse Ray. And start the Solarbeam!"
The Gyarados hurt itself in its confusion.
"Umbreon, use Moonlight just in case. Meganium, finish his last Pokémon off!"
"G-gah! You've grown more powerful." Gonzap said, audibly beaten. "But the way things are, I don't give you the satisfaction of asking why you blew up the Hideout and abandoned Team Snagem. So, you remember this: as long as I breathe, Team Snagem will rise from the shadows again!"
Wes wanted to give a reply, but wasn't given the chance.
"And with it will come your downfall! Live in fear! Gwaahahahah!" Gonzap left the hideout, laughing.

As did Wes, after picking up the D-disk Gonzap left on the lounge table.
At this moment, Wes knew the choice of ever rejoining Team Snagem wasn't an option anymore. Meaning that he had to continue taking his own path, to wherever that may lead.


                       -The Under -

Not really knowing what to do now, Wes decided to put the D-disk in use.
Before using it, his P⭐DA rang.
Bitt: "Hi, this is Bitt in The Under. I was taking photos the other day when I saw this guy in this amazing head, so snapped him. He was singing this weird song. Something about the Colosseum being his new place."
Wes opened the attached photo. On it, Miror B. was visible and was riding the UFO device downward.
'The colosseum is not down there, is it? Wait.. a second colosseum?' He thought.
Wes rode the UFO in downward direction. When the UFO stopped, he was only a few steps away from a pair of huge doors. As he approached them, they opened so he could enter. Behind the doors, there was indeed an entrance hall of another colosseum: the Deep Colosseum.
Miror B. was nowhere to be seen though, so Wes just entered the colosseum challenge.
The challenge was like every other he had participated in. In the finals however, he had to face a familiar man: Miror B.
"Fuhohoho. So we meet again~. There's no way escaping my wrath his time~!" He sang.

After a long, tough battle, the Battle had been won.
"Oh, no, no, no, no! The tempo' s off again. This won't do!" Miror B. cried.

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