Chapter 24

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"I want to go back to the Relic Forest first, though." Wes told Rui as they were halfway Agate. 'I have the feeling we have to.' He then thought to himself.
"Ehh, okay? Sure."

"Hey, that man from before is here too."
"Oh, hey, it's you two. Is it true? Are those bad guys also at Mt. Battle now?"
"...I get it! They're going after Vander on Mt. Battle! I've heard rumours that he has the ability to summon Celebi!"
"The ability to.. what?"
In the meantime, Wes had picked up an Ein File from the ground. "This says something about Celebi. It's titled as 'Celebi's power'. It says that Celebi appears to have the power to boost the purification process. If a Shadow Pokémon encounters a Celebi, it recalls how its heart was before being closed and reverts to its original form. The Relic Stone of Agate Village also appears to have the power to complete the purification process. These factors must be eliminated if our (their) Shadow Pokémon Plan is to succeed."
"Skrub probably had this with him. That's why he was here. That's why he wanted Celebi and the destruction of the Relic Stone."
At that moment green energy emitted from the Relic Stone. As did some of Wes' Pokè Balls. He released his Noctowl, Quagsire, Bayleef and Misdreavus out of their Pokè balls to see what would happen.
Just as Senilor and this new Ein File said, the Shadow Pokémon changed. Their black auras disappeared. Their eyes became more friendly. Furthermore, they calmed down; became less vicious.
"Did they get... purified?"
"I... think so?"
"How do you guys feel?" Rui asked the Pokémon. They all happily replied. Bayleef even started emitting white light now and began changing forms.
"A Meganium, huh? Nice." Wes said with a faint smile.

"But it's really time to go now, Wes!"


-Mt. Battle-

Driving at full speed, they reached Mt. Battle not much later. A huge/long facility was build in front of and in between and on top of the mountains and a volcano.
The few people that were present outside and inside of the welcome hall were whispering and mumbling about some people forcing themselves through here.
Persuading the receptionist wasn't easy. "No! I'm sorry, but I can't let you in. Its full of hugs. Its dangerous."
"But Duking sent us!" Rui said persistently, almost yelling.
"Oh? You heard about us from Duking? Then you must be here to save us!"
"That's right, miss."
"Oh, I'm glad. You see, it was me who connected Duking for help. I didn't think you would get here so quickly."
"Wes can drive pretty quickly, you see~"
The receptionist smiled. "But please be careful. The power of their Pokémon isn't normal."
"We will. Thank you."

When walking through the door, they found themselves on a bridge held up with thick iron wires. It was attached to a big platform with the number '1' painted on it. Looking further up, it was visible that there were way more platforms, all connected by bridges and stairs, helped by propellers to keep them up.
"Let's not fall down, okay?" Rui suggested with a small voice as she looked down over the edge.
'Is she really asking that?' Wes thought.
"Whoops, hold on. Aren't you mistaking something?" A guy came walking up to them when they stepped onto the first platform. "All training has been put on hold. But.. If you really must, then sure. I'll battle you."
"Quagsire, Noctowl, go."
"Trapinch, Numel, let's beat 'em!"
"Noctowl, Steel Wing. Quagsire, Surf."
The male gulped as he returned both fainted Pokémon and sent out his last one, a Sandshrew.
"Sandshrew, poison sting!"
"Quagsire, use Surf to finish it."
"Hm... you don't need any training... Urgh... Master Dakim will reprimand me..."
"Master Dakim?" Rui mumbled. "Haven't we heard that name before? Hey, Wes, wait! Don't continue without me!" She ran to catch up with Wes.

Current team:

~~~~~~~~~~~Current team:

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