Chapter 22

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Outside they took a left, crossed a bridge and ran down the hills towards the Pokémon Center. There they found a path leading more down and to an underground pathway.
"Hey, what?" A female peon said as they entered it. "Here comes another meddler. That old man earlier... He trampled me when I let down my guard, but that won't happen again!"
She sent out a Carvanha and Spheal. Wes chose his Umbreon and Misdreavus. It didn't take long to bring both of his opponent's Pokémon down.
"Why are all villagers so strong??"
"Doven!" A male peon came running. "No, forget it! You're not getting any farther. Shroomish, Cacnea, go!"
A couple of turns later, these had been beaten too.
"Silton!" The female peon gasped. She took Silton's wrist, because he didn't seem well and she ran away with him.
Near the exit, they sped up their pace until Rui fell back from fright.
"Boo!" Another female peon jumped down off of a ridge and in front of them. "Fufufu. Scared you, didn't I?"
Rui growled. Wes took the peon down, leaving her shocked and clearing their path.

Exiting the pathway, they reached a clearing. They had walked into a beautiful forrest.
The man that ran into Eagun's house earlier stood halfway a stony path, shaking on his legs.
"Oh, Rui! Eagun's in a heap of trouble! What shall we do? What shall we do?" He panicked. "Eagun might be the mythical trainer, but he's pushing his luck if he thinks he can battle at his age!"

Continuing to run, they witnessed Eagun standing in front of a guy in a gray suit. They were standing next to some kind of rock formation. Eagun seemed determined to not let the bad guy get any closer to it.
"You! Who are you?!" Eagun asked the guy. "What are you doing here?!"
"Although you may ask why we are here, we simply cannot answer that." He responded calmly. "I can see that you are a senior citizen, but I cannot allow you to interfere with our affairs."
"You're the ones interfering! Shady creeps like you, I'll personally run out!"
The suited guy laughed sheepishly. "Now, now. Someone so old shouldn't overdo it."
"Don't take me for a fool! I'll have you know I was once hailed the most powerful trainer! That isn't all, either. I have a comrade with whom I've been through thick and thin! This is the first Pokémon I got and it has been with me ever since! Okay, Pikachu! We haven't battled this much in a while! Let's keep focused!"
"Hm.. Hitmontop, go."
"Pikachu, use Quick Attack!"
"Hitmontop, Shadow Rush."
"Another Quick Attack!"
"Finish it, Hitmontop."
"No!..." Eagun picked up his fainted Pikachu.
"Fu... Didn't I say already? An old man shouldn't overdo it. Hitmontop, return. The name's Skrub, by the way."
"Grandpa! Pikachu!" Rui ran up to them, worriedly.
"How dare you?" She turned towards Skrub. "You'll never get away with this!"
"Ah... Now here's someone who may show me a more enjoyable time." Skrub said, looking at Wes, pleased. "Very well. En garde!"

"Bayleef, Misdreavus!"
"Clamperl, Geodude, your turn."
"Misdreavus, use Shadow Ball on the Clamperl and Bayleef, use Razor Leaf!" (Geodude fainted)
"Go, Hitmontop. Clamperl, Iron defence."
"Misdreavus, take down the Clamperl. Bayleef, Body Slam on Hitmontop!"
"Hitmontop, Focus Energy."
"Go, Wynaut. Hitmontop, Shadow Rush."
"Misdreavus, use Shadow ball on the Wynaut. Bayleef, Body Slam!"
"Finish the Misdreavus with another Shadow Rush."
"Do it, Umbreon! Bite the Wynaut!" (Wynaut fainted)
"Hitmontop, Triple Kick on the Umbreon!"
"Bring the Umbreon down with a Shadow Rush!"
"Bayleef, Body Slam! Noctowl, your turn!"
Wes then threw a Snag Balls and caught the Hitmontop.
"Ugh... I should have declined!" Skrub mourned.

"Now, tell us what you're doing here, Skrub!"
"Fine.. I had been instructed to capture Celebi, then destroy the Relic Stone. But, matters have not gone according to plan. I shall have to immediately inform Dakim, who has gone to Mt. Battle!" He then ran off, leaving the others and the Forrest in peace.
Rui wanted to pursue him, but relaxed and turned to Eagun. "Grandpa, are you okay??"
"I'm fine. But my partner...!"
"Ah, you're safe!" Eagun picked up his Pikachu. "Good, good. You battled with honour. If your opponent was any ordinary Pokémon, you would have won." He paused, then continued. "So.. That was a Shadow Pokémon... Rui. And Wes, am I right?"
"Thank you for helping us. We should go home for the time being."


- Eagun's house -

They were resting in the living room with each a cup of tea.
Eagun had taken place on the couch, next to his wife. Wes and Rui sat at the other side of the table.
Beluh was scolding her husband.
"You really had me worried, you know! Please don't do anything so rash and dangerous ever again!"
"I'm sorry, dear. But I couldn't very well let them have their way."
"I know that..."
"Those crooks... They said they were out to capture Celebi and destroy the Relic Stone. Hmmm.. But why? Might there be a connection between Celebi and Shadow Pokémon?"
"Oh, no, that's no good." Rui said. "We came here because we thought you would know something, grandpa."
"Hmm... Sorry to disappoint you. Oh, yes!" He faced Beluh. "Didn't we have a stone tablet? It had something about the Relic carved into it."
"Ah, yes! Yes, we did have such a stone tablet. Now.. where could I have put it away? Let me look for it upstairs. It may take time, so please be patient." She then stood up and walked up the stairs.
"While she's looking, you might try gathering more information on Celebi, Rui. Go see an old man named Senilor. He lives near the Pokè Mart down the hill. Senilor is the authority when it comes to Celebi. ...That is, if he remembers..."
"Bigga bigaah..."
"Lets hope for the best then." Rui said as she saw the pained expression on Wes' face.

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