Chapter 25

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Since nine out of the ten trainers here used Pokémon that were ground and Rock types, using Steel Wing and Surf made the battles a piece of cake.
"Do you think we'll have to go all the way to the top?" Rui asked after Wes had beaten the 7th trainer.
"I think not. Probably just up until the platform Vander is on."
Rui nodded and walked up the stairs to platform 8.
There, a female dressed in the familiar peon outfit stood; leaving the normal thugs behind.
"Hm? I guess we're all a little guilty of underestimating you. You've earned some respect. But, I'll make you regret ever having come here!" She said.
"Houndour, Duskull, I choose you!"
"Quagsire, use Mud Shot on the Houndour. Noctowl, fly up into the sky." (Houndour fainted)
"Koffing, go! Duskull, use Will-O-Wisp."
"Noctowl, use Fly and Quagsire, Surf."
"Koffing, Sludge. Duskull, Foresight."
"Use the same moves again." (Duskull  and Koffing fainted)
"Kirlia, Calm Mind."
"Quagsire, Slam. Noctowl, Steel Wing."
*End of battle*
"It isn't right! I shouldn't loose!" The female peon whined.

The male peon on platform 9 claimed the same thing. He, however, got beaten even more thoroughly. He sent out two Geodude, which fainted after being hit by the with Helping Hand strengthened Razor Leaf. As did his Sandslash after a Confusion and a Razor Leaf.
"Why are you so outrageously strong?!" The peon yelped. "Don't get a swelled head just because you beat me. Master Dakim will deflate your pride real quick!" He then growled.

"Here, let me heal up your Pokémon." Run said to Wes and healed his Pokémon.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"Look." She pointed at the next platform.
On platform 10, a huge man in a white jumpsuit and red hair was standing with his back turned towards them.
"Must be Vander."
"Or Dakim..." Rui responded.

As they crossed the bridge and came closer, they noticed the huge guy was talking to someone.
"Fine." He said. "After all the persuading I did, you still won't hand it over? Humph. This is what happens to stubborn oafs who don't do as I say!" He yelled and sent the guy in front of him flying by punching him real hard.
"Y-you treacherous swine..." The smaller man uttered his words with difficulty. "H-how could you refuse to battle?" He then groaned out of pain.
The tall one burst out in laughter. "Treacherous? You didn't really think that a worm like you could win? All you had to do was hand over the Time Flute without making a fuss. Its your own fault for getting hurt. Since you're not cooperating, I don't have any choice but to haul you off to Ein's lab."
"No, you won't!" Rui yelled and immediately covered her mouth with her hands, realising her mistake.
"Hm?" The man turned around to see who stopped him. " Who are you? What were my underlings doing?"
"They took a beating." Wes answered.
"That outfit of yours... You must be the troublemaker who messed with Skrub in Celebi's forest! And now you've come to mess with me, the great Dakim! Don't make me laugh! I'll pound a lesson into your flesh and bones, so you'll never even think of bothering me again!"
Wes glared t him. "We'll see about that."
"Golem, Metang, let's squash him."
"Quagsire, use Surf. Misdreavus, Shadow Ball on the Metang!"
"Golem, use Protect. Metang, Psychic."
"Quagsire, Surf again. Misdreavus, Psybeam on the Golem."
"Not so fast. Bring that Quagsire down before it attacks!"
"Tch. Meganium, go! Use Razor Leaf. Misdreavus, Confuse Ray on the Metang."
"Metang, Psychic!
"Use Shadow Ball on the Metang!" (It fainted)
"Go Marstomp!"
"Meganium, Razor Leaf!" (Golem fainted)
"Grrr. Camerupt!"
"Misdreavus, Confuse Ray on the Camerupt. Meganium, use Razor Leaf!" (Marshtomp fainted)
"Finish them, Entei!"
'Entei?!' Wes' eyes widened.
"W-Wes. I-it's a Shadow Pokemon." Rui stuttered.
"You've got to be kidding me." Wes mumbled.
"Entei, Fire Blast on the Meganium."
"Shit. Noctowl, go!"
"Misdreavus, Confuse Ray on Entei!"
"Camerupt, stop hitting yourself, you dumbass!"
"Misdreavus, Shadow Ball on Camerupt."
"Entei, don't hit yourself too!" (In the meantime, Camerupt fainted thanks to its own actions.
"Noctowl, use Hypnosis on the Entei!"
"AARRGGGGHH!!" Dakim stomped the floor and tried to wake his last Pokémon up.
"Misdreavus, Psybeam. Noctowl, Reflect. Now use Steel Wing. And another Psybeam!"
"Wake up!!!!" And so it did, but hit itself in its confusion.
"Misdreavus, Mean Look. Noctowl, Hypnosis!"
"You meddlesome pest!"
Wes threw a Snag Ball at it, being sick of Dakim's loudness. To his surprise, it got caught in one try.
Rui's lower jaw had dropped. Wes stood dumbfounded, looking at the Pokè ball with Entei in his hand.

"The way you handled those Pokémon with your audacious skill... Who are you?"
"That's a question to you and knowledge to me." Wes replied.
Skrub then came running to the scene, together with a female peon. "Master Dakim!"
"Ah, Skrub. You were hopelessly outclassed against him. You had zero chance of winning." Dakim told him. "In pulling out for now. You go to Ein's lab and help out there."
"As you wish, sir!" Together with The female peon, Skrub followed his orders.
"This isn't over yet. Stronger Pokémon are being made even now." Dakim told Wes after facing him again. "You'd better get serious about training your Pokémon for our next meeting." He laughed and jumped off of the platform, making his way out of Mt. Battle.

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