Chapter 21

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The next morning they went shopping at the Pokè Mart and walked towards Pyrite Town's exit after.
"Any idea where to look?" Wes asked Rui.
"Huh?" They looked around to find the source of the sound. Fortune teller Fateen was standing outside, in front of her shop's door. "Oh, hello."
"I might be imagining it, but the town's air feels somewhat less dirty." Fateen said, not clear to who. "But not all is well. I can feel the presence of black aura coming from Shadow Pokémon."
"Wow! Fateen, nothing escapes your notice." Rui responded.
"There is but nothing that eludes the notice of my fortune-telling." She laughed. "The key to freeing Pokémon from that black aura... It is in the north."
"Up north... That's where my grandpa lives, too..." Rui mumbled. "Huh? Oh, no! I forgot! I was on my way to visit grandpa! He lives in Agate Village. That's north of here."
"Fwofwofwo. That being north may be no more coincidence. Your answer may be there."
"Oh! My grandpa was a famous trainer when he was young. Maybe my grandpa would know something. Let's go see him, Wes."
"Yeah, okay." He walked towards his motorcycle and they drove north.


- Agate Village -

The closer they got to Agate, the lusher and greener their surroundings became.

"Oh, here we are!" Rui said as Wes slowed down to park his motor. "This is where my grandpa and grandma live."
"There is so No wasteland around here. How?"
Rui took a deep breath to take in the fresh air, causing her to not hear him. "Ah.. The air tastes a lot different here. It's been so long! Now, let's get going. I bet they're worried about me not getting here."
"Which house do they live in?"
"That one," Rui pointed to a house on a hill. "The one build beneath an old tree trunk."

One of the elderly walked up to them.
"Ah, you must be Eugun's granddaughter. Come to think of it, he has been telling everyone that you're coming to visit. He seemed awfully pleased."
"Haha. Yep, that's me. And, that really sounds like him. It has been a while since I've visited them."
"And who is this handsome, young lad? Is he your boyfriend?"
"Her what?!" Wes exclaimed.
"My-? No, no! He's just a friend of mine."
Wes walked straight up to Eagun's house, not wanting to have any more questions like that.
"Wes, wait! She was just teasing us!"
He answered with some grumbles.
???:  "Wait a second... could it be? Rui, is that you?" A man in front of Rui's grandparents' house questioned.
"Oh, uhm, yes."
"I thought so! The last time I saw you, you were this little tiny thing. And now look at you! Growing up to be a real beauty!"
"Oh, please, stop it!" She giggled.
"But I shouldn't keep you. Eagun was worried about you. Don't waste any time; you should go see him."
Rui waved him goodbye and entered the house with Wes. Inside they could hear two elderly voices chatting with each other in the kitchen. Rui recognised the voices and ran towards and into the back of the house. "Grandpa Eagun! Grandma Beluh! I missed you!" She gave both of them a tight hug.
"Ah, Rui! Welcome, welcome!" Beluh greeted her warmly. We heard that you were coming, but then you didn't arrive. We were worried about you, dear."
Wes leaned against the wall and Rui sat down in between her grandparents.
"Now you finally arrived. What held you up?" Eagun asked her.
"I had just this terrible time! On the way here, I was abducted by these creepy people... Luckily, I was saved by Wes, who happened to be there by coincidence."
"Oh, how frightful. Thank you so much for saving our granddaughter." She smiled at Wes, who nodded at the old lady with a small smile.
"But why would anyone want to harm Rui?" Eagun asked confusedly.
"It's probably because I can see these bizarre Pokémon. They're called Shadow Pokémon. Pokemon that have been turned into fighting machines with hearts of darkness."
"Shadow Pokémon?! What on earth is that?"
Just as Rui was about to explain things, their peaceful visit came to an end as someone screamed from outside and came running inside.
"Help! There's trouble! Hah...hah... Eagun, it's a serious situation! Some outsiders went into the Relic Forest!"
This caught Wes' attention. 'Relic Forrest?'
"What?!" Eagun quickly stood up from his chair. "Who were they?"
"I... I don't know... They shoved me aside and..."
"That's enough talk!" Eagun interrupted the man. "It can wait, Rui. I'm off!"
Together with the entered man, Eagun ran through the door, outside and towards the Relic Forest.
"Outsiders fouling the Relic Forest... That mustn't happen. But I worry for my husband even more so. Rui, dear! Please, go after him!"
"Yes, grandma! Wes, come! I know the way to where they're heading to!"

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