Chapter 41

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- Realgam Tower -

Decelerating until they came to a stand at a small distance.
They gazed up to the highest part of the tower, taking in every inch of it.
"Let's go." Wes said and they got off of his motor.
After parking it somewhere near the entrance, he realised that the construction site wasn't a construction site anymore. The place was as clean and shiny as the tower itself. Colorful orbs on the walls were serving as light sources. The floor was covered with beautiful floor tiles. To both their right and to their left, they could see a fountain being installed, each with a spinning Sudowoodo sculpture placed on their counterpart.
In front of the entrancedoor, two security men were keeping an eye on any possible abnormalities. As Wes and Rui got closer, they looked up to see who was approaching.
"Hello! Welcome to Realgam Tower Today's our opening day!" The one on the left greeted them.
"We've been expecting you. Now, please, do go in." The one at the right added and gestured to the door behind him.
Trough the door, they found themselves in a small room with a relatively high ceiling. Three more doors were present and in the middle, there was a sculpture of the Tower's upper level, displaying a colosseum.

"They were expecting us?" Rui asked hesitantly as they observed the Colosseum's scaled down version.
"They know we were coming. Let's keep our guards up." He then walked through the northernmost door, stepped onto a small platform and they travled to the other side of a track.
Rui looked at Wes. "This place looks huge. I looked through the transparent walls just now and..."
"Oh, having trouble, are we?" An old man stood there and noticed them. "Perhaps you're lost in the expanse of this building?"
"No, we're fine."
"Ah, that's good to hear. Go with care."
Wes frowned at the man and asked: "What if we are lost?"
"Ah, then I shall be happy to take you."
"Take us? To where exactly?"
"Oh? Where I'm going to take you?" The old man chuckled, sounding less old this time. "Well, since you ask, you deserve a reply." The man stood up straight and removed his - apparently - disguise, revealing the suit of a male Cipher peon. "It's to your doom!"
Rui looked at him with some readable disgust as the Battle started.
The Dustox, Seviper and Grimer he sent out were beaten within no time with Noctowl's and Espeon's help.

They went through the door to their left, entering a small empty room. Going through the next door, they again reached a small room. This time, two peons were guarding a door each.
"Get out of the way, will you." Wes commanded them.
"Oh, yeah? Or else? You're telling me that you'll knock me out of the way?"
"Heh... You'll know right away if that's possible by battling me!"
"Fine. Espeon, Noctowl!"
"Piloswine, Shadow Delibird!"
"Use Reflect and a Hypnosis on the Delibird."
"Piloswine, Blizzard."
"Try to evade it. Then, Use Return on the Delibird and Steel Wing on Piloswine."
"Use the same moves again."
"Wake up.. ugh.. Also, Blizzard!"
Wes snagged the Delibird, whilst letting his Espeon handle the Piloswine.
"I choose you, Glalie!"
"Psybeam and Steel Wing!"
"First, a blizzard!"
"Espeon, return. Go, Entei, use Fire Blast!"
The male peon scurried away after his loss. Wes turned around to face the female peon.
"Are you looking to get past this door?"
"Hmm... I'm guessing there's a daredevil in you. Jumpluff, Shadow Sunflora!"
"Meganium, Body Slam the Sunflora. Entei, Fire Blast on Jumpluff."
"Gloom, your turn, Sunny Day! Sunflora, Growth."
"Use the same moves."
"Sunflora, Ingrain."
"Light Screen."
The battle got ended by Wes snagging the Sunflora.
"Wha- what do you mean, I lost?" She then ran away.

After healing their Pokémon up at the room they previously battled the guy in old man disguise, they continued their way by taking the platform ride behind the door the male peon was guarding.
"Bingo." Rui said as she saw a big, silver door to their left. However, it was securely locked.
Wes observed room. Especially the four coloured Pokè Ball-like walldecorations at both sides of the silver door. The two in the left being red and green. The ones on the right yellow and blue. Each one had a small slot engraved in them.
"We might need to collect something first, before we can advance any farther."

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