Chapter 9

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"At the first floor: only medicines. On the second floor: only battle items.
A shop that doesn't have a single Pokéball for sale? Really? Ugh.. what kind of shop is this??"
"No one sells Pokéballs around these parts, young man. That's common knowledge." A man at a small table commented on Wes' rant.
"Common kno-"
"The guy that runs the Outskirt Stand used to sell them before. But you have to keep that a secret."
Wes grumbled. "I guess we'll have to go there then.."


After arriving at Outskirt they greeted Willie, who was uneasily hanging around outside the stand.
"Oh, hey, it's you. Some rough-looking characters came around asking about you. It made me worry. Those guys, they looked like they're from Team Snagem."
"Yeah, we met them. Teached them a lesson or two, so no need to worry."
"Okay, cool. Good to hear."

- Inside the stand -

Reporter on the tv:
"We've just received breaking news. According to the arrested Snagem member, the smaller Snag Machine is compact enough to be carried by a single person. Wearing this machine transforms ordinary Pokéballs into Snag balls. A Snag ball is an alarming device. It can actually steal Pokémon from their trainers. It is hoped the missing Snagem machine will not be used for criminal purposes again."

"Stay calm." Wes said to the alarmed Rui, who nodded.

The bartender noticed and recognised Wes.
"Listen, pal. If you're intending to travel some more, you might want to stock up on supplies here."
"Hi, can I ask you something?" Rui asked the Bartender.
"Of course."
"Don't you sell any Pokéballs?
"Huh? Pokéballs, you say? There's no call for those things around these parts... ehm.. where'd I put them now?" He asked himself whilst opening and looking into the cupboards. "Oh, yeah, here they are!" He then said after a little while. "A little dusty, I'm afraid, but otherwise perfectly usable. Here! Take these. I'll let you have them for free."
The bartender gave Wes 5 Pokéballs.
"Well, since I found them, I may just as well put them out with the rest of the merchandise. If you need some more, well, how about buying them from me?"

Wes bought another dozen of Pokè-/Great balls and after discussing things with Rui, they decided to go back to Phenac city.
"I hope you will be able to enter the stadium's challenge this time." Rui said.

Little did they know their plans would change as soon as they got to Phenac, the city of water.


"Oh! It's you two! Something terrible is happening!" The woman from earlier today came running towards them. "A whole bunch of scary men came here! I think I even saw those creeps who took off in the truck earlier!"
"Where did they go?"
"They went up the stairs behind the fountain square."
"Okay, thanks."
Wes and Rui ran up the same stairs and started looking around the area.

They saw no-one suspicious, so decided to ask an old lady if she had seen something.
"My goodness! It's terrible!" She said with panic in her voice. "A big group of scary-looking men marched into the Mayor's house!"

Wes and Rui looked at each other and both nodded, confirming their idea.

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