Chapter 15

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As they were asking around in town, they didn't get much wiser.
'Where would I trash a gear, if I were to do so?' Wes thought. Then he got an idea. "Lets go to the construction site at the foot of that gigantic tower we passed by on our way to here."

                - Construction Site -

Rui asked the local workers if they had seen something.
"Yes, some guy came wandering by a while back. He threw out some trash and then took off. What's this place look like? It's no garbage dump, that's for sure!" A worker grumbled.

After searching for a while, they found the missing gear and returned it to where it belongs, in Pyrite.


                    - Pyrite Town -

Inside the windmill, Duking had arrived. He was apologizing. "...Terribly sorry, Chief. You're sure you're okay?"

"Ayup, I'm fine. There's no need for all the worrying."
"Good. That's good... But Silva... This is an outrage..."
"No, no. I reckon he agonized over this and did it because he thought it was right. I can't blame the man for that. Anyway, enough of that, Duking. Instead, I think you should look over there."
Duking turned around and got shocked at what he saw. "Wha... you people?"
"Hehe. I reckon you might be saying thanks, Duking." Chief said.
"Th-That's the gear! You found it for us?"
"Yep." Rui said happily.
"What amazing luck! I'll ask you to excuse me for my behaviour earlier. You seem to be people who are worthy of trust. You have my sincere thanks."
"All right." The Chief interrupted. "I'll get you to slot that gear snugly back n that gap where it belongs."
Wes and Rui obeyed and put the gear into place.

"All done! Standing by! Let it roll! Oh, thirty long years of cranking gears~ Oh, yeah!" The Chief sang eagerly as he started up the windmill again.
"Whahaha! This is the way it ought to be. Things are done now." He then said.

Okay, now, let's go." Rui said as she ran to the door.
"Hey, I can tell that you're a man of courage and honor." Duking said to Wes. "I have a favor to ask. Will you hear me out?"
Wes looked at him, waiting for him to tell his story.
"I'm grateful. I want you to enter he next colosseum battle. I need you to win the knockout challenge and find out what's going on there. I can tell from a glance that you're no ordinary trainer. I know you can win! I'm sorry, but help me."
"All right. I'm down for a good challenge anyway."

As discussed, they headed for the Pyrite Colosseum. Soon after they entered the knockout challenge.
"I'll wait here at the reception." Rui said as Wes went through the gate for his first match.

Wes had to face a total of four opponents, the fourth being the final round. All of them were won with not too much trouble.


"Congratulations on your victory! You're the champion! You battled fabulously!" The desk clerk cheered and handed over the prize money to Wes and gave him a TM as bonus.

"Any news?" Rui asked.
"Just a little. It's indeed as they say: the winner will be rewarded by someone with a tougher kind of Pokémon. But as we saw, not from the receptionist here. Also, that guy we met some time earlier, Miror B., is supposedly the head behind all this."
"You mean the one with the huge afro?"
"That's him. Let go outside. Maybe we'll find him there."


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