Chapter 10

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They stood at the door, listening to the voices inside to guess the number of people inside. They guessed that there were somewhere between 4 and 7.
They opened the front door, entering the Mayor's house. Indeed, there were a total of six men standing indoors, two of them being familiar faces.

"Master Miror B.! It's... it's him! He's the one that took the girl from us!" Folly yelled, pointing at Wes in the door opening.
A man with garish glasses, dressed in a golden sequin-studded leisure suit, and a gigantic two-toned afro turned around. He scanned Wes and frowned. "Oh, now aren't you boys frightfully pathetic? You mean to tell me you were bested by these darling infants?" He asked Folly and Trudly, then focused on Wes again. "Darling, did you say your name was Wes or something? Hm.. I so don't like saying this, but we're not a liberty to keep your lady friend at liberty. That sweet young thing, she can see things that ordinary people aren't supposed to see. That just will not do for what we're planning to do. No.. it just won't do at all. If you don't like pain, like most people, you can avoid the pain by keeping your nose out of places it needn't be."
As Miror B. Turned around, Wes growled. Trying to contain himself, he clenched his fists.
"Boys! Oh, boys!" Miror B. said to the others.
"Yes! Yes, we will!" They replied in unison.
"Boys, I shall make my return to Pyrite now. Do remember that I will be waiting for you to return with the little lady. Am I making myself clear? I won't accept failure from you again, boys. Fuhohoho..." Miror B. said now specifically to Trudly and Folly. Then he turned around, posed and exclaimed excitedly: " Let the music spin! Let's get it on~!" Before leaving the building, followed by the three men in red, blue and green outfits.

After they were gone, Folly took a step forward. "You, you, you!" He started angrily. "The last time, you caught me off guard! That's not gonna happen again!"
Folly sent out his Pokémon, starting a battle. This time, they were a Whismur and a Lotad.
"Espeon, use confusion on Lotad and Umbreon, use Bite on Whismur!"
"Lotad use astonish on Espeon!"
(Whismur got flinched)
"Espeon, finish Lotad off with a Return and Umbreon, finish that Whismur off with another Bite!"


"Awww, blast it! I got tripped up again!"
"My turn now!" Trudly said as he also took a step forward. "I'm not going to end up like Folly!"
Trudly then sent out his Duskull and Spinarak.
"Espeon, bring that spinarak down with a Confusion and Umbreon, use Bite on the Duskull!"

Trudly then sent out a Makuhita, causing Rui to gasp. "Wes! It's that one! That Pokémon!" She yelled. Those jerks captured me because I saw that Pokémon! I can see a black aura coming from it. They must have done something to that Pokémon!"
Not soon after, the Makuhita attacked. But instead of hitting one of Wes' Pokémon, it punched Wes in his stomach, causing him to fly backwards and gasp for air.
"Wes, be careful! This Pokémon isn't afraid to attack people!"
"Ugh.... thanks for the warning." Wes said sarcastically.
"I know, Wes! I hate to say this, but there's no other choice. Get that Pokémon back from those bad guys! Please, you have to! You can... Actually, only you can do it!"
"Fine..." He groaned. As Wes stood up, Trudly continued the battle with a smirk on his face.
"Duskull, use Leer to lower their defence!"
"Espeon, use Reflect to raise your defence again and Umbreon, use Bite to finish the Duskull off." Wes said while still recovering from the received impact.
"Makuhita, use Cross chop on Umbreon!"
Umbreon jumped aside and jumped again to stand behind the Makuhita.
"Espeon, use Helping Hand and Umbreon, use Secret Power!"
After letting Umbreon use another Bite attack, Wes decided to throw a Snag ball at the Makuhita.

"Wh-what?! My Pokémon!" Trudly yelled panicking as Wes successfully caught it.


"Darn it.. but you're good! You snagged my Pokémon!"
Folly was shocked by those words "Hey, what are you saying? You're not supposed to be impressed! Oh man... what are we supposed to do? We got flattened again. Miror B.'s going to chew us out!"
"What do we do? What is there to do?" Trudly retorted and then got an idea. "Run away!"
The two then ran out of the building, leaving Wes and Rui alone.

"You did it, Wes!" Rui started cheerfully jumping up and down. "You snagged that Pokémon from that goon!" After she stood still again, she continued. "But I'm sure there are others like it. Let's get all of them back from the bad guys!"

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