Chapter 44

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Wes nodded and they started their pursuit.
As they got to the elevator, Nascour was already out of sight.
"Ack?! He's gone! What should we do, Wes?"
"Oh! I know! How about over that way?" Rui pointed to the other side of the room. "Couldn't we take the other elevator?"

"Oh... This isn't good. We can't take this elevator either." Rui sighed as they had walked past the Suicune statue. When they had turned around and just stood next to the Raikou statue, the elevator behind them arrived at their floor and its doors opened.
A tall, familiar, muscular man stepped out of it and started laughing. "Long time no see, eh, Wes?" He said.
Rui looked confused.
Wes kept his mouth shut.
"You're not gonna break my heart and tell me you've forgotten my face, are you now?"
Realisation struck Rui. "That face! It can't be... Team Snagem?! But why here?"
"Even if you don't want to believe it, you're absolutely right, little lady! I'm Gonzap, the boss of Team Snagem. And don't you forget it! Did you ask what I'm doing here?"
Wes glared at him. Or at least he tried. He was just feeling uncomfortable right now.
"Yes, I did. Isn't this Cipher's Headquarters? Team Snagem shouldn't have anything to do with this." Rui guessed.
"Hehehe." Gonzap spread his arms. "Well, surprise, surprise. We do have a lot to do with this, missy. We were just thieves before we got hold of the Snag Machines. And where did we get them? From Cipher. What they wanted was this: Go snag superior-grade Pokémon from trainers everywhere!" He cited.
"What?!" Rui exclaimed. "So this is all one big plot hatched by Cipher?"
"That's what I'm saying. Aren't you the brainy one, missy? Master Nascour's waiting for you upstairs, but you've got me to deal with first. We've got a little score to settle here. It's time you paid up for wrecking our Hideout and wiping out Team Snagem! Don't get any ideas about beating me!" Gonzap laughed devilish.
Wes prepared himself, still not feeling entirely at ease.
"Hariyama, Crawdaunt, I choose you. Use Crabhammer."
"Entei, use Protect. Meganium, use Giga Drain." (Crawdaunt fainted)
"Earthquake." Gonzap said. Then sent out his Pinsir.
"Entei, Fire Blast. Meganium, Body Slam."
Gonzap grumbled something. Then replaced his Pinsir for his Shiftry. "Hariyama, Earthquake!"
"Fire Blast on Shiftry. Body Slam his next Pokémon!"
"Go, Skarmory!"
"Wes, it's his Shadow Pokémon!"
"Entei, no! I choose you, Espeon! Use Psybeam on the Hariyama! Meganium, Synthesis."
"Cross Chop!"
"Psybeam and Synthesis!"
Gonzap withdrew his fainted Hariyama, leaving him with only one, paralyzed, Pokémon left.
"Reflect and Body Slam."
Wes switched his Espeon out for his Umbreon. Then let his Meganium attack.
"Start moving, Skarmory!" Gonzap yelled.
"Body Slam. Bite."
"Air Cutter!"
"Keep weakening it!"
"Another Air Cutter! Then Steel Wing!"
Wes started trying to snag the Skarmory away from his former boss. He succeeded at his 5th attempt.

"You've grown a lot better, Wes... What do you say? Why don't you and me team up again? Just like old times. You, me and the Snag Machine... We can do whatever we please. The world can be ours, hey?"
'...Should I? When I think about it... life was easy back then. They did raise me as one of them when I joined them years ago.' Wes thought.
"...Wes?" Rui looked at him with a worried expression on her face. She didn't like this silence.
"...I..." ' My actions did hurt people, however... But this power I have... the power to snag...' Wes slowly looked up again. He nodded when Rui looked away for a moment.
"Humph. I can tell when you're just joshing me."
Wes got caught of guard by that statement.
"But that doesn't matter any more. There's no going back for you now. Get going." Gonzap said strictly and stepped aside to make room for him and Rui.

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