Chapter 5

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After finishing his drink, Wes decided to leave the place. However, he was barely outside when he got called back.
"Yo! Wait! Wait up!" The dit with purple hair catched up to Wes and was now standing in front of him.
"Hey, my name's Willie. After I got a good look at you, well..  I got the urge to battle you. It's like I'm compelled to you."
"Ehh.. okay, Willie.. What are you exactly trying to say?" Wes asked, not sure what to think of those words.
"What im trying to say is that in any way I look at it, it's obvious you're no ordinary Joe. So, what do you say? Let's you and me have a quick battle!" Willie said.
"Okay, sure."
"Yeahah! That's the spirit! All right, all right. Over here, this way!" Willie ran towards the front of the gasoline stand, Wes following him.
"Yeeeeeeaaah! I'm burning now! I'm on fire! It's full-throttle time! Vrum! Vrooom! Let's roll!"
'What's this guy so fired up about?' Wes thought to himself.


Willie sent out his Pokémon, two Zigzagoon. So did Wes, his Espeon and Umbreon.

"Espeon, use Confusion at the Zigzagoon on the left! And Umbreon, use Secret power to finish it off!" Wes commanded them.
"One down already?! Ugh.. Zigzagoon return. And you, Zigzagoon, use Tackle on Umbreon!"

Using the same moves on the second Zigzagoon, Wes won the battle.


"Tch.. whipped out. I still need seasoning." Willie mumbled. "But yeah, you're tough. Real tough. You did a real number on us." He then said to Wes.
"Ahwell, can happen." Wes replied.
"Hey, I know. Why not test your skills in Phenac city? It's out to the west of here. You'll find trainers who are way better than me there. You should go out there and get some battling in."
'Phenac city, huh? Sounds worth the try.' Wes thought.


And so he did. Wes walked towards his motorcycle, stepped onto it and drove westward.

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