Chapter 38

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"Wes, we need to go!" Rui persisted.
Wes knew that too well, so he pushed the researcher aside and continued walking further into the lab.
Not soon after, one of the peons arrived in front of their noses. "Hi! I heard the alarm, so I came running!"
"Tch. Meganium, Quagsire, go for it."
"Swellow and Shadow Vibrava, let's stop him! Swellow, fly up! Vibrava, Dragonbreath!"
"Quagsire, use Amnesia. Meganium, Body Slam the Vibrava."
"Shadow Rush! And land the Fly!"
Wes threw a Snag Ball at the Vibrava, successfully snagging it.
"Swellow, use Fly again!"
"Meganium, use Synthesis."
"Razor Leaf and Blizzard!"
"Arial Ace!"
"Bring the Meganium down!"
"Use Strength!"
"Finish off the Swellow!"
"Kadabra, your turn. Use Psybeam to end the Quagsire."
"Entei, go! Noctowl, use Steel Wing on the Kecleon!"
"Fire Blast and Fly!"
"Role Play and Dig!"
"Use Leer."
Wes used a Lemonade to heal his Entei up a little. Then it let the Kadabra faint with a Bite attack.
"Kecleon, Dig!"
"Use Sunny Day and Reflect before it lands its attack."
"Land the attack!"
"Use Fire Blast to end it!"
The peon screamed a little and ran away again.

"I hope we have enough medicines to get through this place. We'll have to stock up on them soon, if we get out of here."
"We will." Wes assured her and walked to the lock of the next door.
"We don't need another key, do we?"
"No. We only need to insert the right code."
"Yay.. a number lock.."
"Not exactly. There are nine buttons to choose from. Sudowoodo, Mightyena, Quilava, Bayleef, Suicune, Entei, Croconaw, Misdreavus and Raikou. Do you think...?"
"Think what? Wait.. The DNA samples?"
"Yeah." Wes pressed them in the order in which they found them: Suicune, Croconaw and lastly Raikou."
A shirt beeping noise sounded and a few seconds later, the door opened.
"Nice thinking, Wes!"
"Not once, not twice, but three times we meet?"
"Do you recall who I am?"
"I shall avenge my humiliation at the Relic Forest! Graveler, Clamperl, go!"
"Meganium, use Razor Leaf. Quagsire, use Surf."
"Graveler, return. Go, Wobbuffet! Clamperl, use Iron Defence!"
"Finish off the Clamperl with another Razor Leaf."
"Go, Medicham!"
"Mud Shot it!"
"Wobbuffet, Miror Coat!"
"Meganium, Body Slam."
"Medicham, High Jump Kick!"
"Surf, Quagsire."
"Magic Coat!"
"Okay, Umbreon, go. Use Toxic on the Wobbuffet. Meganium, bring down the Medicham."
"Counter!" It failed. "Oh god.."
"Synthesis and Confuse Ray! Now, Body Slam and Bite to finish the battle!"
"Urrrgghhhh!" Skrub growled loudly and disappeared without a trace.
"Where did he go?" Rui looked around.
"Doesn't matter. We might be getting near the end."

At the end off the hallway, they descended some stairs, ending up standing behind a somewhat older man in a long coat behind his computer.
"Good. This disc has been scrubbed of all data. That's done it." The man said to himself.
"What's done it?"
The man yelped and turned around.
"How did you get in without my notice?"
"You didn't hear the alarm? Anyways, your security has been beaten. That's why."
"Ah, I see. You must be the much-talked-about Wes."
"Guessed right."
"Little did I expect to see you here. I am Ein. I'm in charge of this Shadow Pokémon Lab."
'I knew it.' Rui thought.
"No one must be allowed to interfere with our Shadow Pokémon plan. I won't allow it. So, let me acquaint you with the power of my Pokémon!"
"Bring it."
"Golbat, Huntail!"
"Quagsire, Meganium!"
"Golbat, Confuse Ray. Huntail, Rain Dance."
"Quagsire, Blizzard."
"Huntail, Confuse Ray. Golbat, Bite."
"Meganium, Sunny Day. Quagsire, Blizzard!"
"Bite! And Rain Dance!"
Wes growled. Then withdrew his fainted Meganium. "Go, Espeon! Use Psybeam on the Golbat!" (But it hurt itself)
"Confuse Ray and Bite!"
Wes used a full restore on his Espeon, then letting it beat the Golbat.
"Altaria, do it. Bring his Quagsire down!"
"Umbreon, I choose you. Espeon, Psybeam on Huntail. Toxic on Altaria."
"Confuse the Espeon and attack it with a Pursuit."
"Tch! Umbreon, confuse the Altaria."
"Bite! Pursuit!"
Wes quickly healed up his Espeon, hoping it'll survive, which it did.
"Psybeam!" (Huntail fainted)
"Lanturn! Altaria, attack!" (It hurt itself.)
"Psybeam on Altaria!"
"Altaria, no! Raikou, your turn. Turn them to ashes! Lanturn, Thunder on the Espeon!"
"Entei, time's yours! Umbreon, confuse the Lanturn."
"Raikou, Thunder!"
"Avoid it and Stomp the Lanturn to flinch it. Also, Umbreon, confuse the Raikou!"
"Avoid it! Stomp the Lanturn again!"
"Don't hit yourself!"
"Use Secret Power on the Raikou to paralyze it! Then finish off the Lanturn!"
"Not so fast. Before they succeed, use Hydro Pump!"
"Shit. Entei, return. Noctowl, I choose you."
Raikou tried to move, but got couldn't due to paralysis.
Wes used a revive on one of his Pokemon, just in case it'll be needed. "Umbreon, use Bite. Noctowl, Steel Wing." (Raikou flinched)
"Bite, again. And put up a Reflect."
"Don't hit yourself! Hit them!"
Wes threw a Snag Ball to try his luck. Unfortunately, Raikou got out. So, Wes withdrew his Umbreon and replaced it for his Quagsire. "Use Amnesia." He commanded as he did a second attempt on snagging the legendary Pokémon. This time, it stayed in.
Ein's eyes widened. "This's beyond belief..."
Wes relaxed.
"Humph! Your struggle to get here was all in vain!" Ein said whilst gritting his teeth. "The Shadow Pokémon we produced have already been moved elsewhere."
"Yeah, yeah, we've heard that already."
"And that, of course, includes the ultimate Shadow Pokémon I created for he boss! Wahahahaha!"
"Where is it?"
Instead of answering, Ein turned around and sprinted away, leaving the lab.
Wes clicked his tongue.
"Hey, at least we have this, thanks to him." Rui walked up to the computer desk and picked up a Data Rom.
"Yeah. Now let's get out of here. I'm getting tired of this alarm."
"My ears don't like it either, no. Lets go."

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