Chapter 7

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As soon as Wes and Rui got to the Mayor's house, the frontdoor opened. A tall man with red'ish eyes and long, silver-blue hair walked out of it. He looked down when he noticed Wes.
"Hm? I'd guess you're a traveling trainer. Hm.. I like what I see in your expression. Fufufu... I have a feeling I may see you again somewhere." He said, smirked, then turned around and walked away.
"ehh.. okay?"

As they walked into the house themselves, the Mayor stood up to greet them. "Ah, you must be travelers! Welcome to Phenac City! I am Es Cade, the Mayor." He introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you sir." Rui said politely.
"Now, you wanted to see me. Is there something that I may be able to assist you with?
"Um... Er..."
"Oh? What may I do for a pretty young lady like you?" Es Cade asked.
"I... I saw it!"
"Saw it? And what did you see?"
"I saw a peculiar Pokémon... No, that's not quite right. What I saw was a Pokémon that gave off a black aura. It was like a fighting machine! And, that Pokémon would attack people!"
'A black aura?' Wes looked at Rui, startled.
"O-o-o-oh, my! Pokémon like a fighting machine? And it attacks people?! Now, if that were true, that would be truly frightening. However, it is a little hard to believe." Es Cade responded.
"It's true! It's true, Mr. Mayor! Because I saw that Pokémon, I was made a prisoner of some frightening men until just a little while ago." Rui said seriously.
"Hmm... I see. I understand. I will order an investigation at once."
"You will? Thank you, Mr. Mayor!"
"Oh, no, no. There is no need for thanks. We mustn't allow thugs to do as they wish. Especially thugs that endanger a pretty young lady like you! I'll ask that you give me a little time on this matter. I promise we will get some useful information for you." He assured her, then looked at Wes. "Oh, yes. You appear to be Pokémon trainers yourself. If so, I urge you to visit our city's pride and joy, our Pokémon Stadium. It's a breathtakingly beautiful stadium befitting our oasis city!"
"Okay, thanks. I will" Wes said and they left the Mayor's house.


At the same time they were holding the conversation, a news broadcast had started. Due to the sound being turned off they didn't hear it:

"This is a repeat of an eaelier news story." The reporter started. "A Team Snagem member was arrested after being found hiding in Eclo Canyon after the Snagem hideout explosion. During interrogation, the Snagem member revealed that the explosion resulted from a clash between Snagem members. The explosion apparently destroyed the Snag Machine used for stealing Pokémon. However, it is said only the large Snag Machine was destroyed. The small, portable Snag Machine appears to have been taken by the Team Snagem member who blew up their hideout."


Wes had a strange feeling about that Mayor guy, but didn't show it.
Together with Rui, he went to the stadium.

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