Chapter 31

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"The spy! We spotted the spy!" Someone yelled across The Under.
Having just gotten outside, both of them flinched.
"Huh, what?!" Rui yelped, barely audible.
"Calm down. No one's looking at us. Let's see what the commotion' s about."
"Spies in front the elevator! We found a spy!" A young woman exclaimed.
Wes and Rui turned heir heads to the elevator. They got surprised with what they saw.
"Graaahh! Let me go! Let me go!" The spy growled as he got dragged foreward by two female peons.
"Shut up! It's hopeless! Quit struggling! Now be a good boy and lie still." One of the peons growled back and threw him inside of an improvised jail, locking him up.
"Isn't that Silva?!"
Wes and Run sneaked past the peons, to the side of the jail.
"Wes! It's me, Silva! From Duking's?"
"I discovered that they were bringing Shadow Pokémon to Pyrite from here. That's as far as I got when they caught me like this... but I did manage to filch this from them. Here you go." He turned his back towards Wes so he could give him something with his tied up hands. "I think this R-disc's an item that's useful only down here in The Under. And uh.. if you find the key to this place, please let me out."
"Okay. We will, but-"
"Hey! Who might you two be? If you're tourists, you're getting in our way like this. Go on, scram." One of the female peons caught Wes.
"Hm? Hold on, you two! You're not from around these parts, are you now?" The other peon joined her. "I get it! You came to rescue your pal here! You two are spies too!"
"Uhh..." Rui took a step back.
"Ledian, Volbeat, we must catch those two!"
"Espeon, Noctowl! Confusion on the Volbeat, Hypnosis on Ledian."
"Volbeat, Signalbeam on Espeon! Ledian, Supersonic on Noctowl!"
"Confusion on Ledian!"
"Ledian, wake up and use Shadow Rush to take down the Espeon!"
"Meganium, go! Noctowl, fly up into the Sky."
"Volbeat, Signal Beam!" (Critical hit ended Meganium)
"Umbreon, your turn!" Wes said, throwing a Snag Ball at the Ledian right after.
"No! Spinarak, I choose you!"
"Volbeat, Dubble Team.
"Umbreon, Bite (missed). Noctowl, use Fly! (Missed)"
"Volbeat, Confuse Ray!"
"Bite the Spinarak this time! And Noctowl, Reflect."
"Spinarak, use Spider Web. Volbeat, Bring Umbreon down!"
"Quagsire! Noctowl, use Fly on Spinarak!" (It fainted)
"Confuse Ray, Volbeat!"
"Fly, again!" (Volbeat finally fainted)

Wes sighed, relieved this tedious battle is finally over.
"This spy is actually strong!"
"Don't be to hasty about relaxing! I'm up next!" The second peon said determined.
"Wes, your Pokémon..." Rui whispered.
"I know.. Noctowl, Quagsire, let's do this."
"Ariados, Illumise, let's beat him! Illumise, Shock wave!"
"Quagsire, Surf. Noctowl, Fly!"
"Ariados, use Spider Web."
"Use the same moves again!"
"Illumise shock Wave the Noctowl before it flies up!" (Illumise fainted after the next Surf)
"Go, Gloom!"
"Noctowl, land the Fly on the Ariados."
"Gloom, Razor Leaf!" (Quagsire fainted)
"Shit. Entei, go!"
"Who?!" The female peons and Rui exclaimed as one.
"Fire Blast!"
Being paralyzed of shock, the peon didn't notice her last Pokémon getting beaten. "We... We're out of our league against this guy!" She screamed and together, the peons ran away.

"Wes, when did you add Entei to your party? And how did its dark aura disappear already??"
"I might have gotten it out of the pc box when we were at Pyrite. And I might have used the Time Flute when we were still in Agate."
"But.. when? Wait.. so that's why you wanted to take a detour to my grandfather's house and sent me to it in advance."
Wes smirked.
"Why didn't you take me with you?? I also wanted to see Celebi!!"
"I didn't want to let it panic by seeing too much visitors. So I figured I'd go alone. Celebi's quite the image, if I may say so."
"Geez!" Rui pouted. "Next time, I'm coming with you. Whether you want it or not."
'If there will be a next time.' Wes thought to himself, not wiping the smirk off of his face.


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