Chapter 14

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"Cail!" Wes yelled.
"Hah? What's that?"
Rui continued, "Tell us what you know about your weird Pokémon! ..If you have one."
"You're wanting to know if I have a weird Pokémon, huh? Hehe. If you want to know that much, you may as well see it with you own eyes!" Call said and sent out his Furret and Ralts.

"Wes, it's that Furret!"
"Go, Bayleef and Umbreon!"
"Furret, use Helping Hand!"
'No, you will not.' Wes thought. "Umreon, take down the Ralts with a Bite attack and Bayleef, use Body Slam on the Furret!" (It got paralyzed)
"Seedot, Go!"
"Bayleef, use Shadow Rush on the Seedot, Umbreon use Secret Power on Furret!"
"Furret, counter it with a Shadow Rush!" Cail commanded as he replaced his fainted Seedot with a Machop.
Using a couple of more moves, Wes had beaten the Machop and weakened the Furret enough to snag it.
Cail screamed the moment his Furret got taken away from him. "M-my shadow Pokémon!"

"Bah! That was it? That lying Miror B.! He came up with that fancy tough-sounding name, Shadow Pokémon, but it was no big deal!" Cail ranted after his loss. "You guys be careful too. Don't be played for a sucker. That's about all they'll give you if you win at the Colosseum."
"Shadow Pokémon? That's what they're called? A Shadow Pokémon? That Pokémon with the black aura..."


In the meanwhile, at the top floor of the locked building somewhere in the back of Pyrite, Miror B. was talking to a man with long, silver-blue hair on a screen.
"I trust things are going according to plan, Miror B."
"Oh, yes indeed, Master Nascour! Our plan is coming along in a lovely, peachy-keen way. We have already broken Duking's spirit. We can do as we please at the Colosseum without his meddling. We've been giving away Shadow Pokémon on the sly to challenge winners for gathering data."
"Good. The others also appear to be doing their parts to implement our plan. Our Shadow Pokémon plan is falling into place quickly. The final phase is not far off."
"Fuhohoho! This is perking up my spirit and body! Oh, I feel like dancing!"
"Save your dancing until our plan succeeds. I'm off." Nascour then disconnected.

Miror B. turned around to two female peons who were silently standing behind him. "Okay, then... I shall make my return to the cave where my darling Pokémon await my return! Let the music play~!" He then walked (or should I say danced) away.


*Back at the town's entrance*
"It looks like the Colosseum has a secret. I guess there's no choice but to take part in the battle challenge there!" Rui said, convincing Wes.

Near the windmill, they got a small change of plans as a scientist stumbled through the door and fell flat onto the ground.
"S-someone... There's trouble... H-help me..." He groaned. "The chief's inside! Silva came and..."
Wes and Rui rushed inside before his sentence was finished.
Inside the Chief was Laying on the floor, hurt.
"Are you okay, sir?"
"Owowowow... That Silva's gone too far this time. He ripped out and ripped off one of the gears. The Colosseum's going to be without power!"
At that moment Sherles and officer Johnson came running to the scene.
"Chief! Are you alright?!" Sherles asked, worried.
The Chief carefully stood up. "Yeah, the only thing bruised is my pride. It was only Silva, so I wasn't expecting any trouble."
"Huh?! But isn't Silva Duking's trusted lieutenant? What's his motive for doing this?" Johnson questioned him.
"That's what I want to know. He was ranting about how the Colosseum can just shut down or something." He said before turning to Wes and Rui. "Sorry to worry you younglings. Thanks. I'll be fine now. But I need to ask for a favour. Will you hear me out?"
"Yeah, sure."
"If the Colosseum loses power, the whole town suffers. I need you to find that gear Silva ran off with. I'm counting on you!"

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