Chapter 42

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"Into the remaining rooms we'll go."
"This one first. Since its the closest one to us, you know?" Rui suggested, pointing at he door she's talking about, and Wes agreed.
They entered the door to the right of the silver door. Following the path, they eventually reached a dead end. A room big enough for a battle. Ein was standing in the middle of it, awaiting them.
"Well, well. So, you have come." Ein said. "Hand-in-hand like a happy couple on an aimless stroll."
"We're no couple and were not walking hand-in-hand. Something wrong with your glasses?"
"Well, let me inform you. This is no picnic. You will never defeat me with such a frivolous mind!"
"I've done it before and will do it again."
"Rhydon, Starmie, go."
"Quagsire, Meganium."
"Rain Dance."
"Light Screen. And use Surf." (Rhydon fainted)
Satisfied with the Quick Claw getting activated, Wes started this set. "Mud Shot the Menactric." (It fainted due to a critical hit)
Ein clicked his tongue.
"Go, Crobat. Starmie, use Psychic."
"Meganium, Giga Drain the Starmie. Quagsire, Blizzard."
"Crobat, Protect." Ein comanded as he healed up his Starmie.
"Use the same moves again."
"First, Psychic. Then Toxic the Meganium."
After Meganium landed the hit, Ein had to replace his Starmie with his last Pokémon, a Pelipper.
"Quagsire, Blizzard."
"Crobat, Pelipper. Both of you, fly up."
"Brace yourselves! Use Synthesis, just in case." (Quagsire fainted)
"Fly up again. And let it rain."
"Light Screen."
"Finish the Espeon."
"Go, Umbreon. Body Slam to paralyze the Crobat."
"Pelipper, Fly. Crobat, Protect."
Meganium had to be withdrawn. "Use Reflect, Noctowl. Umbreon, Confuse Ray."
A couple of sets later, the battle was over; won by Wes.
"Gwaah! You've improved since our last meeting." Ein growled. "It is a shame you oppose us, Wes. Here, use this. Go on, open the door with it."
Wes obtained the Ylw ID Badge.
"What's behind that door?"
"Fufufu... What awaits beyond that door, you ask? Why, you should see with your own eyes!" Ein let out a small, satisfied laugh and walked away.

When the riding platform was available again, Wes had to wait a little longer to be able to continue as his P⭐DA rang.
"Who is it?" Rui asked curiously.
"It's Eagun."
"Nothing special. He wanted to let us know this is his first electronic mail and about his struggles with this unfamiliar way of communicating. Also, there's a question, but it seems to be cut off."
"Oh, grandpa... The e-mail's cut off before he finally gets to the point. What should we do, Wes? Should we go back to Agate Village? Or should we keep going?" Rui asked while she treated Wes' Pokémon.
"Let's collect the other badges first." Wes said after figuring out the connection between the badge and the coloured wall decorations. "Then we'll check up on Eagun."
"All right."

Behind the door which had been guarded a female peon, Venus smiled as she waved at her visitors when the door in front of her opened.
"Oh, well, if it isn't that darling boy and girl. What kept you so long? I'm rather tired of waiting."
Wes glared at her.
"Now, say your good-byes. This time, I really am going to be as serious as serious can be! Misdreavus, Raichu, mash them up!"
"Entei, Fire Blast on Raichu."
"First, Thunder Wave it. Misdreavus, confuse it."
"Umbreon, confuse the Misdreavus."
Venus Healed up her Raichu. As did Wes with his Entei.
"Fire Blast!"
"Thunder Wave and Confuse Ray!"
"Bite the Misdreavus."
'Tch.. using a Full Heal won't do.. she'll just apply the status effects right back.' Wes thought.
"Thunderbolt! Taunt!"
'She really doesn't like my Entei, hm?'
Wes thought as he healed his Entei up (for nothing).
"Finish that Entei!"
"Go, Espeon. Umbreon, finish the Misdreavus!"
"Belossom, go, my sweetie."
"Psybeam on the Raichu!"
"No! Wigglytuff, I choose you!"
"Secret Power!"
"Attract the Espeon!"
"Umbreon, ese Toxic on the Wigglytuff."
"Beat the Espeon now that it isn't able to attack!"
"Espeon... Noctowl, start with Fly. Umbreon, Confuse Ray on Belossom."
"Wigglytuff, quick!"
"Nope. Confuse the Wigglytuff too. Noctowl, land the attack."
"Sludge Bomb and Body Slam!"
"Quick, fly up again to evade them. Then, join forces to bring down that Belossom."
"Argh. Milotic, you can beat them! Wigglytuff, use Body Slam! Milotic, Confuse Ray on that owl."
"Umbreon, Confuse Ray on Milotic."
"Don't hit yourself!"
"Toxic, now."
With this tactic, Venus got beaten once again.
"How can I lose? Again? Argh.. Here, take this thing away! For that, I want your silence that this battle never happened!" Venus threw the Blu ID Badge towards Wes. "I shall forget that I ever battled with you. Yes, that's what I'll do." Then, she marched out of the place.

After the second battle, they had to go all the way to the starting area, where the scaled down version of the Colosseum was. On their way, they made use of the healing machine, which was located nearby.
There, going through the western door first, they reached a room with Miror B. in it.
"Fuhohohoh. You've kept me hanging around, Wes." He said with a sly grin. "You ruined things in Pyrite for us. But, you know, we're not about to lose over and over to you. This time, I'll win. And I mean it this time. Let the music play~!"
"That's what your friends, Venus and Ein, said too. Look at them now."
"...Oh, never mind that then. We'll battle right away! Ludicolo and Loudred~!"
"Noctowl, Fly. Umbreon, Confuse Ray on Loudred."
"Rain Dance, Ludicolo~."
"Confuse Ray on Ludicolo."
"Oh no~. Leech Seed."
"Bite. Fly. Take that Ludicolo down."
"Nu-uh~. Dive!"
"In that case.. Bite the Loudred."
"Go, Golduck!"
"Attack the Ludicolo again."
"No~! Go, my other Ludicolo. Surf, Golduck."
Wes healed up his Umbreon.
"Rain dance~. Then Ice Beam on the Noctowl."
"Noctowl, use Fly."
"Waterfall. Surf."
"Umbreon, no! Meganium, your turn."
"Double Ice Beam!"
"Body Slam the Ludicolo, quick!"
After withdrawing his Noctowl, Espeon was sent out. And Miror B. quickly healed up his Pokémon.
"Psybeam on Ludicolo." Wes said as he healed up his Meganium.
"Ludicolo, don't hit yourself!"
"Light Screen. Another Psybeam."
"Take down that Ludicolo! And Giga Drain the Golduck."
"Armaldo, pulverize them! Golduck, Ice Beam!"
"Psybeam. Synthesis."
"Ice Beam!" (Critical hit)
"No! Quagsire, go for it!"
"Slash on Espeon, Armaldo!"
"Argh..! Get 'em, Entei!"
"Golduck, Surf!"
"Quick, Entei, Protect! Quagsire, Mud Shot the Golduck!"
"Noo~! Rock Slide!"
"Finish it. Fire Blast and Surf!"
"Oh no! I'm an awesome dancer, but I can't win in battles.. This just won't do! But I'll admit you've beaten me thoroughly."
"That's about time. Thank you."
"Since I'm done here, I'll give you this. Here!" Miror B. handed over the Red ID Badge. Wes put it with the other two badges.
"Think of that as a little gift from our great leader Nascour. Don't leave without it, because you'll get nowhere. But, you know, maybe it'd be for your own good if you didn't go on." Miror B. laughed mischivously, then quickly ran away.
"Only one more, I'm assuming."

Once their Pokémon got healed up, they went through the door to the east from the small Colosseum. At the end of this path, Dakim stood, waiting.
Dakim burst out in laughter as he saw Wes. "Your luck ran out when you showed up before me! Your stab at adventure's gone on long enough!" He stomped the floor once and sent out his Flygon and Forretress. Wes his Entei and Meganium.
"Forretress, Protect."
"You too, Entei."
"Body Slam!"
Being glad it failed, Wes let his Entei take down the Forretress in one hit with a Fire Blast.
"Go, Whiscash. Flygon, Earthquake!"
"Entei, brace yourself! Meganium, Body Slam!"
"More earthquakes!"
"Entei, Protect! Meganium, Giga Drain the Whiscash."
Dakim didn't show any sign of concern. He sent out his Claydol.
"Stomp the Flygon!" (Critical hit)
Dakim took a small, yet noticeably step backwards as his Flygon got beaten. "Go, Houndoom!"
"Giga Drain on Claydol."
'Really?' Wes lifted an eyebrow as not only his Entei got hit, but also Dakim's own Houndoom, letting it faint just after it got sent out.
"Quagsire, bring it down together with Meganium."
Dakim tried to contain his temper. "Why did I lose to this punk?! In all the time I've been battling, my only losses came at the hands of Master Nascour and you. Now, take this. It's your passport to terror and despair!"
Wes received the Grn ID Badge.
"If you're thinking of turning back, Wes, now's the time to do it. Go on home to mommy!" Dakim said, burst out in laughter and walked away, surprisingly calm.

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