Chapter 37

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Heading back the way they came from, through some corridors, they reached to where the Down St. Key needing door was.
"Uh-uh, you're not supposed to be in here!"
"Wha! Geez.." Wes sighed after getting startled by the peon who was standing right behind the doors.
The peon giggled. "Carvanha and Houndour, let's stop them."
"Espeon and Umbreon, attack the Carvanha."
"Oh no.. Return. Nuzleaf, your turn. Houndour, Bite the Espeon."
"Now, both of you, attack the Houndour."
"A Shadow Murkrow, Wes. Wes?"
The Murkrow took off quickly and attacked Wes once. Wes had to duck to not get hit.
'Is this thát Murkrow? The last Pokémon I stole as a Team Snagem member?'
'Huh? Oh, yeah. Focus.' Wes came by his sences. "Bring down the Nuzleaf."
"Shadow Rush, Murkrow!"
"Espeon, return. Meganium, go for it."
"Nuzleaf, Faint Attack."
"Body Slam and Secret Power!"
"Murkrow, fly up to avoid their attacks. Then attack."
"Meganium, no! Go, Noctowl. Use Reflect and another Secret Power."
"Use another Fly!"
Wes threw a Snag Ball to snag and take it away.
"Ugh.. you might be young, but you know what you're doing.." The peon mumbled before running off.

"What was wrong with you just now?" Rui asked Wes, frowning.
"Nothing. Really."
"Nu-uh, there was something. You acted strange as soon as that Murkrow got sent out. Do you know that Pokémon or something?"
"I..." Wes sighed and straightened his back. "That Murkrow was the last Pokémon I stole as a member of Team Snagem. And.. Let's just say that that case wasn't the most pleasant one."
"Ah.. I understand."
They continued their way in silence for a while. Then, to their right someone in workers clothing was cleaning up a couple of chambers.
"Hello, sir. What might you be doing here?"
"Well, I've been hired to tend to Pokémon. So that's what I've been doing this whole time." He answered. "Were you folks wanting a Shadow Pokémon too?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Is that so? It's a shame, but they're all gone. They've all been taken away somewhere, every last one."
"Do you perhaps know where to exactly?"
The caretaker shook his head. "No clue, sorry."
"Hm..  thanks anyway."

Continuing their way, they got halted by another female peon, who claimed the area beyond there's off-limits.
"Use Psybeam and Bite on her Swablu!" (It flinched)
"Pupitar, burrow yourself under the ground."
"Another Psybeam and confuse her next pokemon with a Confuse Ray."
"Go, Shadow Forretress! Pupitar, attack!"
"Both of you, attack the Pupitar now that it's above ground."
"Zubat, I choose you. Forretres, stop hurting yourself for once!"
"Espeon, attack the Zubat. Umbreon, use Secret Power on the Forretress."
"Umbreon, keep using Secret Power. Espeon, return. Come, Noctowl, use Hypnosis."
"You're being annoying!"
"I know. Use Reflect and Bite, now."
"Shadow Rush!"
"Snag time." Wes said and snagged the Foretress soon after.

The elevator behind this peon took them to BF2. A male peon jumped out in front of them from the right. "Welcome to the Shadow Pokémon Lab!" He cheered and started a battle, sending out a Rhyhorn and a Shadow Ariados. After the Ariados was caught on the first try, Wes smoothly took out the Rhyhorn and newly sent out Grovyle.
In the small research chamber, they found a DNA Sample of some sort.
In the next research facility they came across, they got busted by a scientist. " What in the name of... How did you avoid the eyes of our security staff?"
"Ehm..  not?"
"Electrode, blow them up."
"Nah. I'll walk over you too.
Wes defeated both Electrode.
Ignoring the story they've heard before about the Shadow Pokémon being gone already, they were able to find two more DNA samples.
Nearby the next two elevators, a Female peon awaited them wih her Shadow Granbull. Ready to get snagged.

"Let's take the right elevator first."
Going up, they found themselves in a somewhat different type research facility.
"What is that?" Rui said as she walked up to some big device. "Looks like a microscope."
"And a big one." Wes walked up to it and read the sign on its other side. "DNA analyzer, huh? Let's see what these are." Wes took out the DNA samples they found earlier. The samples apparantly belonged to a Suicune, a Croconaw and a Raikou.
"And what do we do with this information?"
"Assuming that besides a Shadow Suicune, there are also a Shadow Croconaw and Shadow raikou?" Rui answered.
Wes tried not to hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Anything else?"
"No, not yet..."

Back to the floor below, they now took the left elevator and got welcomed by the presence of a researcher.
"Wh-what? What are intruders doing here? Why isn't the security doing their job?"
"They are, but just not good enough." Wes responded bluntly before taking out his opponent's Magneton, Electrode and Ampharos.
"Aww, no. There's no way I'm letting you go!" He took a few steps back and pressed some buttons on a wallpannel next to him. The researcher had started up the system and an alarm started going off.
"Wahaha! Now you're stuck! There's no escaping the lab for you!"

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