Chapter 43

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"Now that we have explored very accessible chamber here, we're probably able to advance."
"I really hoped that jump into the mountains at My. Battle had hurt him more.. But aren't you forgetting something, Wes? Weren't we supposed to do something else first?"
"Oh, yeah. Eagun."


- Agate Village, Eagun's house -

"Grandpa, grandma?" Rui called as they entered the place.
"Ah, Rui! And Wes! It's good to see you back! I sent you an e-mail. I'm quite proud of myself for that!" Eagun laughed.
"We got it, but... it was cut off before we got to anything worthwhile Grandpa."
Beluh chuckled a little.
"Oh, is that so? That's odd... Well, since you're here, it would be just as well to tell you in person. Hohoho."
"What is it?"
"I have a little something I'd like Wes to have." Eagun took something out of a table drawer. "Please, take this."
"Is that...?!" Rui's eyes widened a little.
"...A Master Ball." Wes stared at it.
"Now, Wes, Rui, it's time for you to go. Bring down the criminal syndicate threatening world peace."
Both of hem nodded.


- Back at Realgam Tower -

They had rushed back to the tower, to the silver, mechanical door.
Wes placed the badges into the wall decorations' slots with the corresponding colours, causing them to lit up with pretty, colorful lights.
"...and lastly, the yellow one."
The locks on the silver door got undone, leaving space for the door to be opened. Just as they wanted to open it though, a male peon jumped right in front of their noses, causing them to jump backwards a little.
"Whoa, stop right there. I can't very well let you go any farther."
"Then we'll just take you out of the way."
"Masquerain, Ariados, attack!"
"Meganium, Entei, fight back!"
"Go, Heracross!"
"A Shadow Pokémon, Wes." Rui let him know.
"Body Slam the Heracross and finish off his other Pokémon."
Heracross was paralyzed and couldn't move.
3 sets later, Wes was able to snag the Heracross away from its trainer.
"Wha- nobody said a word about you being this tough!" The peon squealed and skedaddled away from the place.

At the other side of the longer platform ride behind this door, there was a bigger room. It looked like a real entrance hall.
As they stepped off of the platform, Wes' P⭐DA rang.
Nett: "Wes, I did it! I analysed the Data Rom and managed to extract a partial list of Shadow Pokémon. For the time being, I've identified 29 Shadow Pokémon. There appear to be more, so I'll send updates when I find them."
"Nice going, Nett~." Rui chimed.
"Oh, fanfare, please!"
"Congratulations! You are the 1000th guest to enter Realgam Tower since the opening!"
"For real?"
"Yeah, like, as if. We just opened today, so that's not likely." Still, the guy started a battle. It didn't take long to be ended, however.

In the same hall, as well as at the cafeteria and casino sections, were enough trainers to be taken down. Including a familiar looking one.
"Ah, welcome. It has been a while, hasn't it?"
"Do we know you?"
"Hm? You don't recall who I am? It's me. We met quite a while ago in Phenac City."
"We did?"
The desk employe removed his work clothing and revealed a green suit beneath it.
"My name is Verde. You may not remember me, but don't worry, I haven't forgotten you! You snagged my Bayleef back then!"
"Yeah, you remember now! Well, pal, today's the day! It's payback time! Go, Grumpig and Muk!"
Umbreon, Quagsire. Use Bite!"
"Jump up! And use Acid Armor."
"Earthquake, Quagsire."
"Land the Bounce! Muk, attack too!"
Wes healed up his Umbreon as he let his Quagsire use another Earthquake.
"Use the same moves again!"
"You too!"
"Land it!"
"Finish it!"
"B-blast it! I can't lose again!" Verde yelled and fled.

'Only one more to go.' Wes thought as he approached the guard in front of the elevator in the middle of the entrance hall."
"Oh, hey!"
"No excuses for you either."
"Sshhh. Wes, it's me, Silva."
"Silva? What are you doing here?"
"I snuck in here under disguise. I surprised you, huh?" Silva smiled. "But that's not important, though. The word is that Cipher's boss is waiting for the both of you at the top of the tower. And, he's supposed to have the ultimate Shadow Pokémon!"
"The ultimate Shadow Pokémon?"
"Yes! Wes, Rui! Good luck, and please be careful, always!"
Silva then start aside, giving them some room so that they could step into the elevator.

The elevator brought them almost all the way up. As they got out of it again, someone with long, silver-blue hair and purple clothes was standing with his back towards them. He turned around as he heard the elevatordoor open.
"Ah, you've finally reached me. I must say that I'm impressed. Wes and Rui. I welcome you to the Realgam Tower. My name is Nascour. Do you remember? The time that we met in Phenac City?"
Nascour paused for a bit. Then, as if he could read Wes' answer in his eyes, he continued talking. "I did have the feeling that I would one day face you in battle... But never imagined that you would be the one to seek me out here. Very soon, we will be ready to greet your arrival in style. I will go ahead and wait for you. Don't keep me waiting too long."
Nascour walked up the eastern stairs and stepped into the elevator next to the Entei Statue, going upwards.
"Wes, quick! We have to chase him!"

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