Chapter 3

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The next morning, on that day, all hell broke lose at Team snagem's hideout.

At first, everything seemed normal. Calm. Grunts were walking around and minding their own businesses, doing choirs combined with planning their next jobs.
Then.. an explosion on the second floor sounded. Some covered their ears and tried to take cover. "What was that?!"
Others took immediate action by running towards the source. Even the team's boss stood up to take action. "What in the bloody hell happened?!" He yelled.


In the meanwhile, in the room which exploded, Wes was executing his plan.

He had climbed up into the building's exploded room and was now walking towards the mechanic-like arm that was still resting on a clothing manakin.
He had his goggles on, so that his eyes would be protected at all times.
As he took a hold of the mechanic-arm, a wide grin formed on his face. "I'll be taking this, guys."
He held it underneath his arm while exiting the building through he hole he created earlier by using explosives. "Come, Umbreon!"


Two grunts just entered the room in which the explosion took place.
When they looked outside, through the opening that formed in the wall, they saw Wes and his Umbreon running.

"It's Wes! He's running away from here! And he has the Snag machine!" They yelled.

Everyone else ran towards the front door in pursuit of Wes.
"Wes, come back here, now!!" The boss yelled furiously as he ran out of the building.

Wes didn't even plan on answering. He kept running towards his motorcycle in which Espeon was waiting.
Umbreon jumped into the passenger's seat, next to Espeon.
"Espeon, get ready!"
Soon after, Wes jumped onto the drivers seat, gave the Snag machine to his Pokémon, and started his motorcycle's engine.

"Wes! I'm warning you one last time!" The boss yelled even more furiously, having all grunts running after him.

As soon as smoke came out of the motor's exhaust, Wes accelerated and drove away at high speed.
The grunts stopped running after a few meters, being mad and started catching their breath.

After about half a mile, Wes got a remote out of his pocket.
He smiled, held it up and pressed the button.
This caused more explosives to be activated, blowing up a big part of the hideout's upper level.
Most members of Team Snagem ducked towards the ground to not get hit by the flying debris, others - like their boss - cursing Wes.

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