Chapter 19

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In the middle of the first room, there were stairs which they descended.
"Whoa, this place is big. Wes, how deep do you think this goes?"
"Not deeper than the room that clown's in."

On their way through the corridors, they came across trainers with and without Shadow Pokémon. Both, they weren't of the friendly kind. Having heard the message about intruders, they had set their minds on beating Wes and earning a reward from.. you guessed it.. the one and only Miror B.

"Take a left or ascend the stairs in front of us?"
They took the stairs, took out some trainers, but eventually got to a dead end.
Going back the way they came, they now took the left instead and met the first person to have a Shadow Pokémon: Rider Twan, who had a Meditite.
Taking a right, they hit a dead end.
"The other way we go then..."
They entered an area which looked different, more like a mixture of a cave and sewers. The first trainer on this floor was Rider Sosh, who had a Shadow Dunsparce.


Wes started thinking of how to avoid dead ends, being tired of them. He then realised something. "Trainers without Shadow Pokémon lead to a dead end. Trainers wíth Shadow Pokémon, lead us deeper into this place; the right direction."
"Wes, you're brilliant!"
"Huh? Oh." He just realised he was thinking his ideas out loud.
"That way, things will become easier to track that guy down."

Their tactic seemed to pay off. They took out trainers that blocked their way. Every time they battled someone without Shadow Pokémon, they headed the opposite direction. When coming across a Shadow Pokémon, they snagged it and continued their way further into this maze-like place.
On their way, Wes was also able to snag a Swablu from Hunter Zalo.
When going back to heal up and descending the stairs behind Zalo, they heard music coming from somewhere. Going left, they found themselves standing in front of a door.
"Latin dance music?" Rui asked.
"Miror B.'s music."
"Still a strange choice of style when being a bad guy. I would have expected something more... intimidating."
"Ahwell. A strange music taste suits a strange guy like him."

As they opened the door in front of then, they were taken aback. They witnessed Miror B. dancing on top of a small stage with four Ludicolo dancing around him.
After a small performance, Miror B. stood still to take a break.
"Yeah, woot! It's about time, darlings! I'm so frightfully tired of waiting for you." He complained. "Stop the music!"
Right after, the Latin music disappeared. Then Miror B. continued talking. "Oh, you kept me waiting for so long, I decided to work up a little perspiration! Fuhohoho."
'Yeah, I can smell that.' Rui thought to herself.
"But, my, you have been busy being naughty and messing up our plans. It was oh-so-close for everything to turn out just right, just the way we hoped. But I can salvage our plan by beating you, little man. And so... There's time for one last frantic dance before the grand finale! Let the music play~!"

As the Latin dance music started playing again, he sent out two of his Ludicolo. Wes chose his Espeon and Noctowl to start off with.
"Espeon, use Reflect and Noctowl, use Fly."
"Ludicolo, use Rain dance~!"
"Espeon, use Helping Hand to boost Noctowls attack before she lands it."
"Ludicolo, both of you, Razor Leaf."
"Espeon, take down the first Ludicolo. Noctowl, fly up into the sky again."

*Some sets with different attacks later.*

"Go, my number one star, Sudowoodo!" Miror B. sang.
"Wes, a Shadow Pokémon!"
"Ludicolo, use Dive and Sudowoodo, bring both his Espeon and Misdreavus down with Rock Slide~!"
"Tch! Bayleef, Umbreon, your turn! Umbreon, use Toxic on his last Ludicolo and Bayleef, try paralyzing the Sudowoodo with a Body Slam!"
"Ludicolo, start up the rain again and Sudowoodo, Shadow Rush!"
"Umbreon, Confuse Ray on Ludicolo and Bayleef, keep trying!"
"Ludicolo, Astonish!"
"Counter with a Bite, Umbreon!"
"Oh, no~"
"Just your Sudowoodo left, Miror B.!" Rui mocked him.
"Umbreon, help Bayleef with trying to paralyze it by using Secret Power!"
"Sudowoodo, we're not giving up just yet. Keep using Shadow Rush and Rock slide!"
After weakening it enough (without paralization), Wes tried snagging the Sudowoodo, succeeding at his second try.
"How, how... how dare you!?"
Wes smirked as an answer.
"Don't you dare think you'll get away with your latest outrage! One of these days, I will take great pleasure in kicking you about my elegant dance steps! Oh, and I'm not giving up our Shadow Pokémon plan! Let's go, my darling Pokémon! Escape!" He screamed and scurried away with his Ludicolo.
"Bye byee." Rui waved him away.
???: "Kyun kyuun!"
"Huh?" Wes looked up.
"Wes! Did you hear those cries too? It must be Plusle! I think those cries came from the door in the back."

Behind the door they found Plusle standing in the spotlights in the middle of the small storage. Next to it they also found another Ein File, which they took with them.

"Wes! Plusle!" Duking yelled as he came running. He had Silva with him.
"When did you get here?" Wes asked him.
"Duking was gasping for air, clearly having a long run behind him. "Wes, you're safe! Oh! And Plusle too!"
The Plusle ran excitedly towards his owner and happily started jumping up and down. Duking kneeled down by the Pokémon to give it some love.
"Miror B. Got away, but things will be back to normal here." Rui assured him.
"Duking..." Silva started. "I don't know what to say..."
"Forget it, Silva. We're all unharmed. That's good enough. Even that Miror B.'s been driven out, thanks to Wes."
Plusle turned around to Wes and thanked him. Wes nodded at it to say you're welcome.
Duking interpreted it wrong though. "Hm, what's that, Plusle? Feeling hungry out of relief? Wahahah!" Then he stood up. "Okay, Wes Let's quit this moldy cavern, and quick!"

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