Chapter 17

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First they tried taking the elevator, but weren't able to start it up.
"I told you it was off limits." A roughly-dressed female bragged.
Because of that, they had to take the stairs.

The building was swarming with local thugs. All were they planning on stopping Wes from infiltrating any further. Big mistake, since he wasn't planning on getting stopped. Battle after battle, they got closer to the roof.
Halfway through, Wes noticed Rui getting behind on him.
"Why are you slowing down??"
Rui came standing near him again, still being indulged in a pile of files.
"What is that?"
"It's from one Ein. I found it on the counter on the first floor. It has some interesting information about Shadow Pokémon and their Hyper Mode."
"I'm listening."
"It says that these Shadow Pokémon may engage in such behavioir as ignoring orders, even turning on their trainers in battle. He called this the Hyper Mode. On the plus side, this state can raise the critical hit ratio of the move Shadow Rush. However, it also prevents the use of items on the Pokémon." She flipped the page and continued, "Hyper Mode is easily dispelled. We simply have to call the Pokémon by it's name, like we heard before. According to Ein, this method has the 'drawback' of loosening up the Pokémon's closed heart and even open it. Further research is urgently needed."
"So it has its pros and its cons. Better make correct use of it then. Keep an eye on this file and see if you can find any more of them, okay?"

Taking the last stairs on the 3rd floor, they reached the rooftop. At the other side of the roof, there was someone guarding an opening in the mountain. "The cave's entrance." Rui mumbled. Before she could continue speaking,
Wes heard voices coming out of the small rooftop building.
"First we take a look in there." He said. "Then we take out that guard and enter the cave."


Inside, they found Silva in between two women, beaten, on the floor.
"Darling, aren't you one of Duking's people?" One of the women asked Silva. "What made you think that you could simply waltz in here? Such a silly boy."
"Grrr... Wh-Where's Miror B.? I'm taking him down!"
"Take him down? After the beating you took? That's so funny!" The other woman started laughing.
"You wait. I'm going to drive all of you out of this town!"
"Ahahah! Ooh, such a feisty boy~! Don't tell me we have to take your Pokémon hostage to make you settle down. Like we did with Duking."
"Wh-What?!" Silva tried to stand up, but couldn't. Then he looked to his right, seeing Wes and Rui.
The two women also turned their heads towards them. "Oh? We seem to be getting a lot of unexpected company today. But that's no excuse for being a bad host!"
The one with red hair challenged Wes first, sending out her Spinarak and Shadow Remoraid.
Wes sent out his Pokémon to start the battle. "Misdreavus, use Shadow ball on Spinarak and Umbreon, use Confuse Ray on the Remoraid."
The Remoraid hit itself in its confusion and Spinarak's attack missed.
"Misdreavus, take down the Spinarak and Umbreon, use Secret Power on the next pokemon she sends out!"
After the Remoraid hit itself a second time, Wes threw a Snag Ball at it and attacked the sent out Luvdisc with a Shadow Ball.


"Reath!" The one with purple hair yelped after witnessing her loss.
"My Pokémon couldn't muster a thing! Ferma, they're no ordinary trainer!" Reath said.
Ferma took a step forward. "Were you hired by Duking as his bodyguards? Let me warn you, mate, if you mess with us, you'd better be prepared for he consequences! Mantine, Aipom, I choose you!"
"Misdreavus, attack the Aipom with Shadow Rush!"
"Mantine, knock that Misdreavus out with a bubblebeam!"
"Tch. Go Bayleef! Umbreon, use Secret Power on Mantine.
"Aipom, Astonish the Bayleef. Mantine, attack the Umbreon!"
"Bayleef, Body Slam on the Mantine and Umbreon, Bite the Aipom!"
Ferma replaced her fainted Aipom with a Furret. "Furret, use Defence Curl. Mantine, Bubblebeam!"
Wes tried to catch the Shadow Mantine, but failed at his first attempt. Furret and Umbreon continued their battle in the meantime.
"Bayleef, Synthesis!" Wes commanded her as he Snagged the Mantine on his 2nd attempt.
"Nooo!!! Furret, bring the Umbreon down with a Quick Attack!"
"Go, Espeon! Use Confusion on the Furret and Bayleef, use Shadow Rush!"
"I choose you, Yanma. Use sonicboom on the Espeon!"
Using 4 more attacks, Wes was able to end the battle.


"This is unbelievable! Reath, let's make ourselves scarce for the time being!"
"Righto, Ferma! Ultra-super fire dash!"
'And off they go.' Wes thought.

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