Chapter 40

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- Pyrite Cave -

One more battle, was what she said. Turned out that every thug in the building wanted a rematch against Wes. So, before even being able to enter the cave, every single one of them had to be beaten first. Inside the Pyrite Cave, they too, had to bring down some Miror B. Minions in a rematch.

Close to arriving to the area Miror B. once stood, dancing, last time, they discovered that the rumours indeed were true. Someone was playing music down there. It wasn't Miror B., however. On the small stage, a smaller guy was standing. He was dressed like a Cipher peon, yet different. His suit was yellow, his helmet had the colors red and white, he wore a red scarf around his neck, white shoes and had bronze-colored glasses on. As for his music.. It sounded like Miror B.'s music, yet more like a remix. More sped up and something extra.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Mirakle B.!"
"Mirakle... B.?"
"I'm Miror B.'s rightful successor! I'm going to get me an afro!"
"Linoone, Electrode, let's avenge Miror B.!"
"Hold up. Ugh, never mind. Meganium, Espeon, let's beat this clown. Use Reflect and Body Slam the Linoone."
"Use Light Screen and Heabbutt!"
"Body Slam and Psybeam!"
"Spark!" Mirakle B. comanded his Pokemon as he withdrew his fainted Linoone and sent out his Seaking.
"Giga Drain on the Seaking!"
"Use Waterfall!"
"Helping Hand and another Giga Drain on the Seaking!"
"Seaking, return. Sandslash, your turn!"
"Meganium, Light Screen."
"Sandslash, beat the Espeon!"
"Espeon, return. Quagsire! Mud Shot the Electrode and Giga Drain the Sandslash!"
"Use Aerial Ace and Light Screen!"
"Body Slam!"
" Not so fast. Electrode, Protect!"
"Use Surf!"
"Grrr. Go, Sudowoodo!"
"Use Giga Drain and Surf to end the Battle!"
"No! My dreams! You've ruined my dreams of growing an afro! Darn!"
"What? How-"
"I don't care if no one agrees. I'm still the rightful heir to Miror B.! Even though my hair hasn't grown to a full afro though.."
"Yeah... Good luck with that." Rui said.
Wes and Rui turned around to walk towards the exit of the cave, leaving Mirakle B. to not damage his pride any further.

"Time to tackle Realgam Tower."


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