Chapter 30

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"I think I saw that antenna dish somewhere." Wes said as they exited the shop. He walked towards and up the western stairs, Rui right behind him. "There."
"So, it has to be this little house?"
"Hey, boy." Wes stood in front of a kid, who was guarding the door.
"Huh? You have no business here. So leave."
"We do have some business here. We came to deliver this." Wes help up the Powerup Part.
"You brought me the Powerup Part from Perr? Great! I was waiting for that! Who are you guys, by the way?"
"I'm Rui and this is Wes."
"Huh? Are you... are you 'the' Wes and Rui? Oh, wow, his is too awesome! Come on, you have to get inside. Quick, quick!"
" 'The' Wes and Rui?"
The kid disappeared into the house before answering. Wes shrugged and followed him. As did Rui.
"What is this? Some kind of laboratory?" Rui asked, looking at some of the equipment. Wes descended the stairs next to them, wanting to know something more about these kids.
"No, more like some kind of hideout." He answered.

"Megg, Nett! You won't believe who just dropped in for a visit! We've got some shocking company!"
"Shocking company?" Megg asked curiously.
"Try not to be too shocked when you hear it! It's Wes and Rui!"
"No! Really?! This is like a dream come true! I'm so glad to meet you."
At that moment, the boy also got Nett's attention. Nett came running out of his little room. "Bitt, is that true? Is that Wes really here?!"
Bitt chuckled and gestured to their guests. "See for yourself."
"Whoa. Hi, I'm Nett! Secc in Pyrite has told me about what you've been doing so far."
'From that group of kids at Duking's place?' Rui thought.
"Here, we got you this." Wes said as he handed over the Powerup Part.
"Oh, this is from Perr. Great, this is all that I needed to get Kids Grid back up and running again." The way he got out of his room, Nett disappeared in it just as fast again.
"Nett's a genius." Bitt said. "He's been gathering all sorts of data on those crooks."
"Yep. Together with the help of kids around the region, my big brother managed to get a little bit of data out of Cipher's computers. The data says there's a lab somewhere that makes Shadow Pokémon." Megg added.
"No way.."

Wes approached Nett and questioned him.
"Yeah, I better explain. A little while ago, we somehow lost access to the Kids Grid. We think it's caused by a jamming signal that's interfering with the Kids Grid. It's probably Venus' doing."
'Venus? Cringy lady?' Wes thought.
"But this Powerup Part you delivered will let me boost up our equipment. When we get the Kids Grid back up, I'll try to hack their computers for useful data."
"Hacking? How old even are you??"
Nett didn't answer since he had already been consumed by his thoughts and computer. Thus, they got out of his room.
"Oh, Wes, wait, please." Megg stopped them.
"May I have your P⭐DA number? We'll contact you just as soon as we discover anything."
'Why am I giving my number to a bunch of kids?' He questioned himself as he gave the girl his number.
"Thank you! We'll do our best to gather useful information for you."
"All right. We'll be heading outside again."

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