Chapter 11

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Wes sat down on the couch, placing his hand on the spot where he got hit. He took the Pokè ball with Makuhita in it in his other hand and looked at it. "You little..."
Deciding it's better to swallow his other words, he put the Pokè ball away.

"You sure got some bad luck eh? Are you really okay?" Rui said when Wes came off of the couch and walked towards the front door of the Mayor's house.
"Yeah, I'm fine."

Outside, they noticed all three of the city's gates were blocked by someone. Each by a man in a coloured suit.
"Which one do we take down? I'm sure the other two will run away as soon as one has been beaten."
Looking to his right, Wes glared at the sight of the guy dressed in green's foul smile. "This one..." He said as he gritted his teeth.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I'm not about to let you pass, you know. Or do you have this idea that you can take me, Verde, on in a battle?" He said arrogantly.
"That's indeed the idea I have."
The green guy busted out in laughter. "Who's going to beat me? You are?! Hahaha don't be crying out of regret later!"


"Go, Bayleef, Grimer!"
"Wes! That Bayleef! It has the same black aura as that Makuhita from before!"
Wes nodded, knowing exactly what to do.
"Espeon, Umbreon, Go! Espeon, bring Grimer down with a confusion and Umbreon, use Secret power on the Bayleef!"
"Wragh! Grimer return. I choose you, Spoink! And Bayleef, use Shadow Rush on the Umbreon!"
"Espeon, use Return on Bayleef and Umbreon, Bite the Spoink!"
"Bayleef, use Body Slam on Espeon!"
Wes then threw a Snag ball to catch the Bayleef and finished things off.


"You... You're tough. Trudly and Folly can't be blamed for losing." Verde said after he had lost.
Rui took a step in Verde's direction. "What was that strange Pokémon? What did you people do to it?!"
"That? Oh, it's a Pokémon that we turned into a fighting machine by artificially closing the door to its heart."
"No! You didn't! You artificially closed the door to that poor Pokémon's heart?!"
"Humpf. Knowing that is not going to help you do anything!" Verde growled and ran out of town.

Wes looked around to see if the other two peons were still at their gated, but alas, as expected, they weren't.

"I remember!" Rui exclaimed. "When I was little, I heard about that."
"They say that if any Pokémon closes the door to its heart, it can be gradually reopened by battling together with it."
"Really? If that's the case..."
"Wes, let's go. Those guys are probably headed for Pyrite Town. After all, it was in Pyrite that they captured me."

They went to heal up at the local Pokémon Center and made preparations for the ride to Pyrite.


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