Chapter 36

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Wes used the cardkey to open the locked sliding doors.
"We're inside."
The elevator in front of them brought them to BF1.
"Eenie meenie miney moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he squeals, let him go. Ienie meenie miney moe. Straight ahead, it is." Rui then went first.
'What the...?' Wes thought, but followed.

"This sign says a Down St. Key is needed to open this door." Rui informed Wes.
"Okay... We can dump this data... let's see how..." Someone was mumbling to themself.
"What? Quit annoying me. You'd better get ready, or Master Ein will... Huh?! Waaarrgghh!! You two! You aren't lab staff!"
"Oh, really?"
"Magnemite, Electrike, attack!"
"Umbreon, Bite the Electrike. Quagsire, Mud Shot the magnemite!"
"Screech. Chinchou, come on out!"
"Finish the Electrike with a Secret Power."
"Use Spark.
"Bite and Mud Shot the Chinchou."
"What's this?" The researcher said after his loss. "I don't have time for this... If you don't vacate the premises, Master Ein will do terrible things to you!" He warned them before continuing with his work.
"Thanks for letting us know that Ein is here." Wes said, walked back in the elevators direction and went right.

"Hehe." Rui didn't pay attention where she was walking after going through the door and bumped into Wes.
"Hey, watch it!"
"I, ehh.. didn't you go right?"
"Yeah, but those doors can only be opened from the other side."
"Only one option left for now. Come."
At the end of the western hallway, they arrived in a small lobby.
"Oh, hey! Intruder alert!" A male peon yelled out of nowhere. "Furret, Shadow Aipom, smash him! Fury Swipes!"
"Meganium, evade and Body Slam the Aipom. Umbreon, Confuse Ray the Furret."
"Rain dance."
"Another Body Slam and Bite the Furret."
"Aipom, Fury Swipes."
"Umbreon, keep Biting." Wes commanded as he snagged the Aipom.
"Remoraid, go for it! Furret, use Flamethrower!"
"What? Logic.. Razor Leaf!"
"Again, Furret! No, don't hit yourself! Return... now, Castform! Remoraid, Surf!"
"Another Razor Leaf. Umbreon, Secret Power."
"Beat the Umbreon first by using a Weather Ball!"
"Espeon! Use confusion to end things."

Now that their path was free, the elevator in front of them was next. Ending up in a laboratory-like room, a researcher looked up at them.
"Hey, now... You're not supposed to be in the lab without your lab coat!"
"...Wait a minute... Your faces aren't familiar... Intruders?!"
With his Espeon and Quagsire, Wes was able to beat the researcher's Magnemite, Magneton and Electrode.
"Well, this reeks. But you're far too late! There's nothing left here. Fufufu..." The Researcher said as Wes and Rui went up some stairs. There, they came to stand face to face with another scientist.
"So, you're Wes, aren't you? The word is you've been wreaking havoc with our plans!"
"Yeah, that's me."
"I'm not going to let you continue."
A couple of minutes later, Wes had beaten him.
"Fufufu.. as my colleague said: The Shadow Pokémon that were made here have been transported out already. Battle all you want. There's no stopping our Shadow Pokémon plan now!"
"We'll see about that."
"Wes, I found the Down St. Key! We can go through those doors now!"
Wes nodded once and glanced at the scientist from the corner of his eye when descending the stairs again.

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