Chapter 4

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After he thought he'd traveled far enough, he decided to take a pit stop at the closest gasoline stand he could find.

-Outskirt Stand-

He parked his motorcycle and placed his goggles on top of his head after taking them off. He also took some time to equip the Snag machine to himself, onto his left arm.

"Fwaah! We sure plugged out, eh?" Two men came walking out of the locomotive-like stand. "I love chowing down after a job! It adds to the flavor, I swear." The one with the mohawk said enthusiastically.
"Hehehehe, yeah. And we bagged ourselves a great big catch too." The one with the oddly shaped hat gestured to the sack on their hover truck. "Boss'll be sure to fix us up good with big rewards, too. Hehehehe, it doesn't get any better than this!"

The both of them stepped into their truck and drove off.

'What was that about?' Wes thought. He decided to shrug it off and walk into the stand.


Upon entry a news broadcast had started on the tv:
"Authorities have made a stunning announcement on the mysterious building that exploded in Eclo Canyon. It was Team snagem's hideout. Team Snagem is a gang of Pokémon abductors who have already been marked for arrest." The reporter said.
"The hideout was discovered only as a result of the explosion. By the time police arrived, the ruined building had already been abandoned. The cause of the explosion is under investigation. It should become apparent eventually."

Wes walked towards the bar and took a seat.
"Oh? I haven't seen your face around these parts. A traveler, huh?" The bartender started. "Not that it matters any. I don't know where you might've come from, but relax, stick around a for a while."
"Thanks." Wes replied. "Can I have something to drink?"
"Sure thing." The bartender went and prepared Wes a drink.

Some guy who was also sitting at the bar was seeking his attention, so Wes looked up.
"Hey, do you know about Team Snagem?"
"I heard of them, yes."
"They're a seriously nasty lot! There's no telling how many trainers have suffered at their hands."
Wes sighed when hearing those words. "Yeah.."


Wes overheard a converstation between an older couple at one of the tables:

Male: "You know.. I don't quite understand what happened, but having your hideout blow up on you... Crime doesn't pay, I guess. I live a crime-free life, so nothing going to blow up on me. Whahaha!"

Female: "Yep. There's no forgiving that Team Snagem. They don't deserve it, not when they steal Pokémon from trainers! Why, I'd give a hip, hip, hooray if they were wiped out with their wrecked hideout!"


Wes couldn't help it but chuckle at hearing those words.
He turned around to look around the place. Only to meet eyes with a purple haired guy, dressed in western styled clothing.
"You're a Pokémon trainer too, aren't you?" He asked.
Wes frowned. "Yeah, why?"
"Heh... I can tell. And you're good. I can see it in your eyes. I bet your Pokémon are impressive too.. if the opportunity ever arises, I'd like to have a battle with you. Heh... Though I doubt I'd have any chance of beating you."
Wes shrugged. "Sure."

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