Chapter 16

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Outside, at the other end of the bridge, someone had been awaiting today's winner. But, no afro to be seen.
"That's not Miror B...?" Rui whispered.

"Hi, there! You must be the superb trainer who has emerged triumphant in our latest battle challenge. Miror B., the town's true mover and shaker, wishes you to have a gorgeous gift. Now, follow me."
Wes and Rui looked at each other and followed the suited guy into the previously locked building.
It wasn't in the best state. Looking around, things seemed as if the building used to be abandoned. Junk everywhere, threadbare walls, old equipment, etc. Behind the counter, a female peon - dressed in a pink and purple suit - was waiting for their arrival.
"Right, I'm back with our latest challenge champion." The male peon said. "Let's present our lucky winner with a Shadow Pokémon and watch chaos unleash!" He snickered.
"Oh, nice one. Our new champ is quite the appealing charmer." The female peon complimented. "It makes a nice change from the parade of macho musclemen... Wait... This isn't happening! This guy... He's that Wes guy that Miror B.'d been carrying on about!"
"Wh-what? That same guy who messed with us in Phenac City? Gaaah! I didn't know that when I let him in here! I'll boot him back out! Go, Yanma and Pineco!"
"So that's how it's going to be." Wes smirked and sent out his Noctowl and Espeon.
"Yanma, use Uproar. Pineco, use Bide."
"Noctowl, use Hypnosis on Yanma. Espeon, Reflect."
A couple of turns later, Wes' Espeon  was beaten. As were three of the peon's Pokémon.
As soon as the Yanma was weakened enough, Wes went in for the snag; ending the battle.


"Ugh! It's useless! I don't stand a chance of winning!"
"Now, hold on!" The female peon interrupted. "You're the one who brought him here!"
Soon after, they ran away somewhere.
At about the same moment, Duking came running into the building together with Marcia and her friends.
"Oh! You're safe! I heard you entered this building. It had me worried." He said.
"Duking! This is where they were giving Shadow Pokémon to the winners of battle challenges!" Rui explained.
"Shadow Pokémon? Those ferocious Pokémon that even attack people?!"
"Yes! They're giving them away to thugs for some reason. It doesn't look good."
Duking growled. "They were using the colosseum to do that?!"
"Big lady!" Marcia tugged at Rui's jacket. "My papa... papa's Pokémon was taken away by Miror B. as a prisoner!"
"He did what? Miror B. used a dirty move like that?"
"It's papa's Plusle. I'm so worried that they might be mean to it.."
"It's humiliating." Duking said, being disappointed. "But with Plusle in their filthy hands, my own hands are tied..."
Rui became angry: "He's not getting away with this! That rotten Miror B.! But we're here now!" She turned to Wes. "We'll get Plusle back! Right, Wes?"
"Yes. Yes, we will." He said whilst thinking about how he'd kick that ballerina's ass.
"I can always count on you, huh?" Rui giggled. She then turned back to the others. "Duking, it's dangerous inside this building. You've got to get everyone to safety."
"Thanks for everything... I have to depend on you. I have no choice. Be careful, always! Miror B. might look like a clown, but his battling is all business!"
Together with Marcia and her friends, Duking left the building, leaving things up to Wes and Rui.

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