Chapter 33

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They ran down the same stairs as Venus did. On their way there, they read the Ein file they found on Venus' desk.
"Final Report. Some interesting discoveries were made about the purification process. There are several ways to cause the opening of the heart's door, and the resulting effects appear to differ with the original nature of the Pokémon. Also, as the purification process advances, the Shadow Pokémon regains its moves and it's original nature. When the purification process is complete, the Pokémon regains all the Exp. Points it has accumulated. Perhaps even enough to level up. By effectively using these features, it may be possible to create even more powerful Shadow Pokémon."


Further down the corridor, Venus was catching her breath. She apparently doesn't have the best condition.
She continued running as soon as she saw Wes and Rui coming her way.


"The final report, huh. No more getting information in this way." Rui said after Wes stopped reading. "It is interesting how Shadow Pokémon and their purification can be influenced in so many ways."
"Yeah. And somewhat helpful too. Anyways, Venus went that way, around the corner."

"Which way now? The left or the right passage?"
"First, right."
Just as they got the the end of the passage, Venus rode the elevator down.
"Come back here!" Rui yelled at her, hanging over the railing.
Wes tried to get the elevator back up, but alas. "Something is blocking it. It doesn't come back up."
"The stairs it is then." Rui sighed.
Wes peeked over the railing, to the stairs part. He counted four trainers, including the one on the floor at the foot of the last ones. "That ain't impossible to do."
They ran back to where they came from and took the other passage, leading to the stairs.

"Whoops!" There were other spies? You're not getting past me!" The first trainer, a female with blue hair, halted them.
"Espeon, Umbreon, go!
"Shroomish, Jigglypuff!"
"Wait! Are we really going to battle on these stairs?!" Rui asked loudly.
"Yep. Confusion and Secret Power on the Schroomish."
She returned her fainted Shroomish and sent out her Gligar.
"A Shadow Pokémon, Wes." Rui let him know.
"Jigglypuff, Fake Tears."
"Secret Power on Gligar, Confusion on the pink balloon."
"Pink balloon?! Shadow Rush! And Faint attack!"
"Espeon, no! Meganium, your turn. Umbreon, Secret Power."
"Gligar, Sand attack!"
"Meganium, Body Slam the Gligar. And Umbreon, finish the Jigglypuff."
"I choose you, Teddiursa! Gligar, another Sand Attack!"
"Use the same moves again!"
"Shadow Rush! Faint attack!"
"Umbreon, finish off the Teddiursa." Wes commanded as he snagged the Gligar.
"No!! I'm not supposed to loose! I won the Colosseum challenge!"
"Yeah, so?"
"If you're mean to me, I'm going to cry. Okay?"
"Ehh, okay?"
The blue haired female started crying, unclear whether her tears were real or fake.

The next trainer was of the kind 'Chaser'."What the...? What are this little boy and girl doing all the way down here?" She asked. "What's Frena doing up top?"
"You're not much older than us, are you?" Wes asked her, narrowing his eyes a little.
"That doesn't matter. Roselia, Kirlia, I choose you."
"Espeon, Helping Hand. Quagsire, Blizzard."
"Na-ah~! Roselia, Magical Leaf. And Kirlia, Psychic."
"Tch. Noctowl, go, use Fly. Espeon, use Return."
"Roselia, Pin Missle~."
"Finish her Pokémon!"
"Argh. I choose you, Gloom and Stantler."
"Shadow Stantler, Wes." Rui informed.
"Confusion on the Gloom."
"Stantler, Shadow Rush on Espeon."
"Do it, Meganium, use Body Slam. Noctowl, finish off the Gloom."
"Stantler, Take Down on Noctowl."
"Return, go Umbreon. Time to Snag it." And so Wes did.
"Wha- what's this ridiculous power? I know now why Frena up top let you two through. Oh, I get it. I get it real good."
"Uhh, thanks?"

"Wes, let me heal up your Pokémon."

Trainer number three was a female bodybuilder. "Well, what do you know. I hardly thought that I'd have to get involved in this."
"Thought wrong, Espeon, Quagsire."
"Dunsparce and Masquerain!"
"Use Helping Hand and Blizzard!"
"Psybeam! And Headbutt!"
"Surf and Confusion!"
"Use Psybeam and Glare!"
Wes smirked after the Glare. "What? Huh? Dunsparce??"
"The synchronise ability, ma'am. Espeon, use Return." Wes said whilst using a Paralyze Heal on his Pokémon.
"Finish off the Quagsire."
"Shut your ego. Go, Entei. Espeon, Confusion on Dunsparce. Entei, finish off the Masquerain."
"Go, Octillery and Shadow Piloswine."
"Entei, Bite the Octillery. Use Reflect."
"Piloswine, Dig. Octillery, Octazooka."
"I see what you're doing. Entei, return. Go for it, Meganium. Espeon, attack the Octillery."
"Thought wrong." Piloswine attacked the Espeon which barely survived.
"Meganium, Body Slam to paralyze the Piloswine."
"Finish off the Espeon. And use Dig"
"Noctowl, your turn, use Steel wing. Meganium, Razor Leaf." (Octillery fainted)
"Piloswine, use Blizzard!"
"Body Slam and Reflect."
"Shadow Rush to bring down the Noctowl."
"Umbreon. Bite to flinch it and Meganium, Sunny Day."
Then the Piloswine got snagged.
"I never thought I'd take the fall so easily.." The bodybuilder sighed. "I'm a loser... I can't show my face in front of Lady Venus like this..."
"Venus' minions.. I should have known."

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