Chapter 6

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-Phenac city-

Upon arrival he witnessed the two guys from the gasoline stand earlier, struggling and arguing.
"Hey, what are you doing? Get a grip, man!" Mohawk said to the one with the hat.
"Yeah, you say that, but this..." Odd-hat nodded to the sack they were holding. "It won't stop squirming. Makes it tough to hold on."
"Okay, okay. Settle down in there. Just be quiet for a little while longer." Mohawk said to whatever was in it.
"Mgflpmmmgg... Beh! Help! Someone let me out! Kidnappers!" A female voice sounded from inside the sack.
'They have a girl inside of that?' Wes thought as he took a step forward.

"Tch! That tape didn't keep her yap shut!" Odd-hat complained.
"Hey, quit your shouting!" He yelled at the girl.
At that moment Mohawk noticed Wes standing nearby them. "Oh, drat! Did that punk hear all that?!" He said and they dropped the sack with the girl, then walked up to Wes.
"Since you overheard us, we don't have any choice. Blame it on your own bad luck!" Mohawk said threatening.
Not soon after he sent out two Whismur which Wes gladly defeated. The first went down in one hit, the other in two.


"Folly, what...?" Odd-hat mumbled.
"Gaah! You're tougher than you look!" Folly growled. "You took out my Whismur... you're no ordinary trainer, are you?!"
"And what made you think that?" Wes asked challenging.
"Well... huh? Wait a sec... That face... Might you be.... Team Snagem's..."

A male teenager and a young woman hurried towards the scene.
"What.. What?! What's going on out here?" The teenager asked.
"Eeeek! Somebody! Robbers! They're robbers!" The woman yelled.
"Y-you be quiet! We're no robbers! We're kidnappers! Get it? Kidnappers!" Odd-hat retorted.
"Wha-.. You dingbat! Don't shoot off you're mouth!" Folly yelled at him. Then he turned around to Wes. "Don't get all happy just on account of winning this once. The next time we meet, I'll trash you, your Pokémon, and all!" He yelled before he and Odd-hat fled out of the city.


The teenager and woman walked up to the sack which was on the ground.
"Oh, yuck! There's someone inside there!" The woman screamed.
The teenager kneeled down next to it and tried to untie the rope's knot, which was holding it's mouth closed.
"Gah! This is tied good and right. Can you believe those people? What a horrible thing to do!" He said angrily.
Wes walked up to him and helped him undo the knot.
After that they helped the person out.

"Phew! Thank goodness! I'm saved!" She said with relief. She then looked around. "...Where is this? Where did those two bring me?"
"This is Phenac city, the opulent city of water." The woman answered and said, pointing at Wes: "This person saved you from those thugs."
"The way he battled those goons, it was truly superb. I wish you could've seen it." The teenager added.
"Oh! Is that so? The girl asked and looked at Wes.
"Eh, yeah. It was nothing." He responded nonchalantly.
"Thank you!" The girl said happily. "And... Uh... You are?"
"Oh, so that's you're name! My name's Rui. I'm sure glad I met you!" She said. "I was in the neighbouring town when those two grabbed me... Oh! Those guys, did they use a peculiar Pokémon?"
"A peculiar Pokémon?" The teenager repeated. "No, they looked ordinary to me. What do you mean by peculiar Pokémon?"
"Oh... No... That's fine then."

"Well, it's easy to see something's on your mind. You should go see our Mayor for his advice." The bystanding woman suggested. "He's a very kind person. I'm sure that he'll be able to help you somehow. The mayor's house is near the fountain square past here."
The woman pointed in its direction. "Go up the stairs from the square and it's on your left."
Rui nodded in agreement. Then turned to Wes.
"Could you escort me for a while? I don't have anyone else I can turn to."
Wes wasn't really sure about it, but having the risk of those goons abducting her again didn't comfort him.
"Okay, but don't get in my way."
"Thank you! I thought you might say that!" Rui said and giggled.
'Wha-' Wes thought, trying to show no emotion.
"If you're with me, it won't matter if those guys come back again! Thanks, again, Wes."

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