Chapter 34

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"Finally! Safe ground!" Rui sounded relieved when she got to the bottom of the stairs.
"You had nothing to worry about."
"You were battling... on the stairs!"
"And I won, didn't I?"
"Might be, but forget about getting past me." A woman interrupted and came walking towards them. "I'll protect Lady Venus from you!"
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. Shadow Sneasel, Corsola! Shadow Rush!"
"Tch. Reflect! And Mud Shot the Corsola, Quagsire."
"Use Confuse Ray, Corsola."
"Mud Shot again to finish it!"
"Seviper, go for it! Sneasel, Finish off the Espeon."
"Meganium, go! Body Slam the Sneasel. Quagsire, keep Mud Shotting the other Pokémon!"
"Screech! And Body Slam! What you can, I can do too."
"Hmpf. Can you do this too?" Wes said and threw a Snag Ball to the Sneasel.
"What?! Seviper, Dig on the Meganium! And Loudred!"
"Noctowl, Fly. Quagsire, finish off the Seviper."
"Loudred, Swagger."
"Evade it. Quagsire, Surf. Noctowl, Steel Wing."
"No!" The Rider Woman took a step back. "This makes me feel like going somewhere far away by train..."
"Feel free to do so." Wes replied bluntlt and walked through the opening in the wall as Rui healed up his Pokemon.

"Okay, before that horrible boy can meddle anymore, I'll link up with Ein at the Shadow Pokémon Lab." Venus discussed with two female peons.
"Hm? uh.. speak of the devil, Lady Venus.." one of the peons said unsure.
"Huh? Wha-! Eek!! Why did you have to chase me here?!"
"Someone had to do it."
"That's so unfair! ...Tch. This isn't good  I can't lead them to the lab..." Venus then turned and ran into the subway train, followed by the peons.
"Lets enter it at the back side. We'll stop them there." Rui suggested.
No one was inside when they searched the wagons, however. Leaving the Subway train again through the door Venus had entered, they sighed.
Venus started laughing, covering her mouth partly. "Ohohoho! You are so easy to dupe!"
Wes clicked his tongue.
"The key for the Shadow Liner is right here. You didn't think I would really let you take our train? Beh!" She eye-taunted them and swung the keys in front of their eyes. "Bye bye! And this time, I mean it! Don't you dare forget about me!"
The tree of them then took off.
Rui pursued them.
"Wait!" Wes called.
"What? Hold on.. are those.. really...?"
Rui squated down, picked something up and got up again. "A key."
"Did she really let it slip out of her hands?"
"Yep. Making it easy for us!" Rui said happily.
Wes didn't know what to think about it, other than that it might be some sort of trap.
"Lets go! Let's take the train!" Rui skipped past and ahead of him.

"Ehh... Do you know how to drive this?" Rui asked when they stood in front of the train's control pannel.
"Rode it once before. Let me try this." Wes said and started the Shadow Liner, using the key. The lights turned on and the Liner started moving.
"Whoo! Let's go!" Rui cheered.


Within half an hour, they had reached the end of the train track. They left the Liner and got greeted by two male peons.
"Yo, how's it going? Just getting off shift?"
"Huh? Wasn't Lady Venus supposed to be coming to day?" The second peon questioned and became suspicious. "Hmm.. huh? I've seen your faces somewhere..."
"Huh? Oh. That's it! The blacklist!" The first one gulped. "You're Wes and Rui! How did you get down here?!"
"Venus was so kind to leave the Subway Keys for us." Wes replied.
"Argh! This won't do! We can't let these two get into the Shadow Pokémon Lab!"
"Shadow Pokémon Lab? So it's here?" Rui thought out loud.
The peons ran through some sliding doors.
"Come back!" Rui ran after them.
"Wait!" Wes shoot foreward after her and pulled her back, having to shield his face with his other arm as explosives git set off and blew up the area behind the doors - including the doors themselves.
As soon as it seemed calm again, they carefully went through the newly made opening. On the other side, the room was a mess. There was even A big crevasse in the ground.
"Ahh. Take that and weep! You'll never be able to chase us now! Whahahaha!" The peon at the right laughed.
"Yeah, but uhh.. Don't you think that was overdoing things a little?" The other peon asked him.
"Uh... Ah well. It's too late now... Come on, let's skedaddle!" The one at the right replied and they scurried off into the lab.
Wes walked to the crevasse's edge. "Jumping is no option..."
"Jum- you were planning on jumping?!"
"If it was possible, yes." Wes said as he continued examining the room for a place he could get across to the other side. "Hm?"
"Found something?"
"Some kind of strange key."
"Strange key...? Let's go back up, heal up, rest and call it a day. Then we can figure out what it's for."
Wes decided to tease Rui for a bit "Yup. We'll go aaall they way up."
"As I said, ye- oh... no, not the stairs again!!"
"Ladies first~."
Rui sighed and started walking up the steps. When she was halfway up the first part, Wes tried activating the elevator in which he succeeded.
"Huh? Oh hell no!" Rui rushed back down again and was able to join Wes in the elevator just before the doors closed.
Wes snickered as they rode the elevator upwards.
"Hah! Too bad your little plan failed." Rui sticked out her tongue to him.
"Meh, it was fun for as long as it lasted."

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