Chapter 29

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They walked towards the old building that led to Miror B.'s cavern. Inside, they went for the elevator this time.
"Too bad for you! This elevator is off-limits!" The girl in front of it said and challenged Wes for a battle, sending out a Phanpy and Vibrava. Using Quagsire and Espeon, Wes was able to beat her.
"No matter what, this elevator is still off-limits!"
"Are you sure about that?" Rui said as Wes walked up to the elevator and unlocked the gate around it.

As they rode the elevator down to the building's basement, they discovered a new city underneath Pyrite. There were different kind of facilities. Most of them had signs and decorations made of neon-colored lights.

"Welcome to The Under!" A young woman greeted them. "Oh, wait a second. It has been a long time since anyone has come down here."
"Yeah, ahwell." Wes shrugged and walked into the place.
"Whoaa, love the lights!" Rui brought out with amazement.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!"
Everyone looked up to a big screen hanging high up on one of the walls.
"It's time for The Under Time again today! Without further ado, let's bring out that special someone we've all been waiting for! Lady Venus, please!"
The screen shifted from the broadcast lady, to the apparently famous Venus. She was wearing a long, white with pink dress combined with blue gems aa accessories. Over her mouth, she wore a pink veil. Attached to her back, there was a crescent moon.
"Hi, everyone! It's me, your Venus! Everyone's Venus, that's me!"
"Ugh.." Wes cringed a little.
"I have something terribly important to share with you today. Its horrid. There are spies right here in The Under. Can you imagine? We don't really know all the details, but if you see anyone suspicious, please let us know. Everyone, please, I'm counting on you! We need you to get lots of information for us!"
The screen shifted back to the broadcasting lady.
"And that was Lady Venus! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, thank you for watching. Please, do tune in again!"
Then she disconnected, now showing nothing more than a static screen.

"No way... They know that we came here already?" Rui said worriedly. "Wes, we're going to have to be cautious."
"All right."
Asking around the place for information, another tv broadcast started: "Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! It's time for The Under Time again! Lady Venus, please!"
"Hi, everyone! It's me, your Venus. Everyone's Venus, that's me!"
"I'm very disappointed. The spies haven't been caught yet. Can you imagine? Everyone, please, I'm counting on you for more cooperation!"
"And that was Lady Venus! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, thank you for watching. Please, do tune in again!"
"How many times a day do people here have to hear this?" Rui asked herself.

In the middle of the place, something caught Rui's eye."What's that thing?"
"It's a ufo that can get you across that gap in the ground, in different directions, by using certain disks." Someone answered her.
"You mean one like this?" Wes showed him the disc he got at Mt. Battle.
"Oh, the F-disc. Exactly. Discs like that one can be used with that little device next to it."

When having activated the ufo and taken place onto it, it moved in foreward direction. The big building in front of them turned out to be the place's colosseum. Here, they discovered something important: apparently The Under Colosseum is also getting used to hand out Shadow Pokémon; just like the one at Pyrite.


In the meanwhile, somewhere in The Under...

"Venus. What is your situation?" A man with silver-blue hair and red eyes on the screen questioned.
"Well, a couple of mice appear to be running loose, Nascour. But it's nothing to worry about. We'll catch them right away, pulverize, and mash them up." Venus giggled.
"...Fine. The priority is to distribute Shadow Pokémon. Don't forget. As for you, Ein, hurry. Complete the Shadow Pokémon's development as soon as possible."
"Your trust will not be misplaced, Master Nascour. Already, sufficiently Shadow Pokémon battle data has been gathered from our minions. My masterpiece... The most powerful Shadow Pokémon in history shall soon be ready!"
"Good. I will be waiting for good news. That is all." Nascour then disconnected.
"Now... It is time we returned to the lab and put the finishing touches." Ein said to Venus and left, descending some stairs to where a professor was waiting for him in a hallway. "Come, back to the lab." He said to him.
"Yes, sir!"
The two of them then exited the place, going to their lab.


Going back with the ufo, Wes and Rui continued looking for Cipher members. Instead, they found a young boy in a shop's basement.
"Oh, sheesh, what should I do... I have to make a delivery, but I'm still not done cleaning..." The boy was complaining. "Huh?!" He turned around, having the feeling someone was behind him. "Hey, wait! Wow!! Aren't you Wes and Rui?"
"Huh? How do you know who we are?" Rui asked the boy.
"I thought so! This makes things easy. Please, can I get you to deliver this part to Nett's house?"
The boy handed over a Powerup Part to Wes.
"But... wait..." Rui wanted to protest.
"Just tell Nett that it's from Perr. He'll tell you the details. Nett's house is the one with the big, rotating antenna dish. You'll know which one it is as soon as you see it."
"What is in it for us?" Wes asked.
"Just go!"
"Fine.." Rui sighed.

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