Chapter 23

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Walking off of the hill, by going right this time, they passed the Pokè Mart and entered the house closest to it.

Senilor was sitting on the couch in his living room, watching the news:
"We have breaking news. Miror B., the brutal crime Lord of Pyrite Town, has been defeated and driven out of town. Reports claim that two young people were behind Miror B.'s downfall. Their identities and where they came from are unknown. Thanks to their heroic work, Pyrite Town should hopefully return to its peaceful ways."
"Hah, serves you right." He reacted on it.
"Eh, sir?" Rui asked his attention.
"Ah, you're Eagun's beloved Torchic! No, wait... Who did you say you were?"
"I'm Eagun's granddaughter and this is Wes. We came to ask you about Celebi, if you remember."
"What's that? You want to ask me, Senilor, about Celebi? Have no fear. No problem! Forget something that important? That's not going to happen!" He assured her. "Let me start with the Relic in the Relic Forest. According to ancient lore, the Relic is said to hold the power of time travel for Celebi. That mystical power is said to revive the most pleasant, most enjoyable memories of Pokémon. If only it worked in me and brought back memories of my youth. Hohohoho." He joked. "Would you like to hear more?"
"Yes. Everything that might help."
"Okay, okay. To meet Celebi directly, you must use an item called the Time Flute. That is all one needs to bring Celebi to the Relic Forest. Celebi will surely cause darkness to flee from the hearts of any Pokémon."
"Wait, removing darkness? That might help. Thank you, Senilor."
"No problem, Wurmple."

"What's with the Pokémon names?" Wes asked on their way back to Eagun's house.
"I don't know. His way of naming people, I guess?" Rui shrugged.

"Grandma, grandpa, we're back." Rui said upon entering their house.
"Ah, Rui! Welcome home. I've finally found the Small Tablet." Beluh said.
"That is the Small Tablet that has been passed down through our family over many generations. Examine it." Eagun added and they gave it to Wes.
Wes read the words out loud, so everyone could hear it. "In Agate's mystic Relic, Celebi's power shelters. A heart imprisoned by shadows, its last door shall be opened by the power within."
"The Relic must have some effect on Shadow Pokémon. I will leave that for you to determine for yourselves."

Wes' P⭐DA then rang, notificating him about a new e-mail.
"Huh? Oh, right! It might be Duking with some news. Quick, let's check it out." Rui suggested.
Wes opened his P⭐DA to open his mail. It was indeed Duking. His mail was titled as 'Emergency!!!' He frowned and opened it.
"Wes, we've got big trouble! I just got word from our people that Mt. Battle's under attack by a mysterious group of thugs. Please, can you go help? We think it's the same group as the one Miror B. belonged to. We're counting on you!"
"Whaaaat?! Those crooks are loose on Mt. Battle now?! That's awful!" Rui yelled. " We can't let this go on! Wes, let's go!" She turned around to run, but stopped after two steps. "...Oh, wait. Grandpa, where is Mt. Battle anyway?"
Wes hit his forehead with the palm of his hand.
"Mt. Battle is to the northeast. You can see it in the distance once you leave the village. Hurry, Rui!"

"It's time for the news." The TV sounded. "According to authorities, there is a criminal syndicate that is seeking world domination. It is thought to be linked to the rash of reports from various regions about vicious Pokémon. We hope to bring you additional info on this story as we learn more."

"Well, that helps..."

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