Chapter 45

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Since they had stocked up enough on Pokè Balls and medicines, they were good to go; was what they thought.
They stepped into the elevator Gonzap came out of and moved upwards, to where the Colosseum battles would be held.
Rui was still worried about what just had happened. She kept thinking about what Wes had been thinking, so she kept an eye on him as they got closer and closer to where Nascour was waiting on their arrival. Still, she didn't mention it, thinking the subject might trigger him too much.

When the elevator slowed down and stopped moving, they opened the door and found themselves on a huge open place. The floor had the colours red and blue, each were meant for a trainer to stand on. Besides that, they were surrounded by an audience of hundreds of people, cheering as they finally could see the fighter(s) in action.
"What kept you, Wes? I worried that perhaps Gonzap had beaten you." Nascour's voice sounded from the speakers.
"Thought wrong."
"The time has come for you to pay off some debts. We'll have you battle as payment towards the huge losses you inflicted on us. I expect to see spectacular battling out of you. After all, you're here to entertain! Waahahahaha!"
"What do you mean by to entertain?"
At the other side of the field, another elevator rose up, followed by a trainer stepping out of it before it disappeared again.

"A big crowd like this... It's a little intimidating. I don't want to get embarrassed here, so I'll battle to win!" The trainer said and sent out her Zangoose and Miltank.
Wes sent out his Entei and Meganium, causing the crowd to become louder at heir roaring and cheering.
"Wes, I don't want to make things worse, but that Miltank is a Shadow Pokémon."
"Of course. Meganium, Body Slam it. Entei, Fire Blast on Zangoose."
"Go, Porygon2. Miltank, use Defence Curl."
"Use the same tactic as in the previous set."
"Ice Beam, Porygon2!"
"Finish off the Porygon2. Meganium, Synthesis."
"That's bad... Use Body Slam and Stomp!"
"Keep rolling!"
"Entei! ..Espeon, go! Use Reflect!"
Miltank got stopped in its tracks by its paralization.
"Weaken it some more!"
"Miltank, use Body Slam!"
Wes threw a Snag Ball and succesfully caught the Pokémon.
"Whaat? This wasn't supposed to happen!" The trainer exclaimed.

The trainer got off of the field, making place for Wes' second opponent. "My turn next." He said. "I choose you, Mighthyena and Shadow Absol!"
"Meganium, Body Slam the Absol."
"Absol, Swords Dance."
"Umbreon, Confuse Ray on Mighthyena."
"Iron Tail!"
"Body Slam!" Wes commanded as he healed up his Meganium."
"Shadow Rush!"
Wes went for the snag, but failed.
"Use Light Screen, Meganium."
"Finish it, Absol!"
"Get them, Noctowl! Use Hynosis!"
"First, Shadow Rush!"
"Shit. Noctowl, return."
A couple of sets later, Absol didn't get caught, but the battle was won.
Just about.

There was no time to heal up, since the next trainer had already arrived. "You must be Wes. I've been looking forward to meeting you." The peon said, smiling in a sly manner. "Don't you think it's a great honor to battle on this fabulous stage? I'm going to beat you and earn my promotion to an admin!"
Wes knew he'd lose, so got a little reckless. He immediately threw a Snag Ball at the Shadow Houndoom that got sent out: unsuccessful.
"Use Surf!" Wes commanded his Quagsire.
"Iron Tail and Heat Wave!"

Wes looked down. He was out of Pokémon. He had to leave the place like every other person that had lost. Therefore, he walked back to the elevator. He ignored everyone and everything on his way.

"They were stronger than we had expected. Don't be sad..."
"I'm not sad!" Wes growled in response. "Just frustrated."
Rui flinched at the sudden loudness in his voice. "Uh..We could train some more? Then return here and kick their asses?"
Ignoring her use of words, he started making his way out of their current floor, leaving Realgam Tower as they eventually reached the exit.

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