Chapter 18

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"Silva, are you all right??" Rui ran up to him.
Wes walked up to a desk in the back and picked up some files, before  paying attention to Silva.
"Owow.. Thank you. You saved me. Do you people know Duking?" Silva asked.
"Yeah. He's the one who normally runs the town's colosseum."
"Okay... I'm a fool. I didn't know what was happening at all... They'd take Duking's Pokémon hostage! How could they do something so downright dirty?"
"That's why we're here. We came to rescue Plusle." Rui said.
"I'm going too! Argh..!" As Silva wanted to stand up, he had to let himself fall back onto the ground out of pain.
"Not in your condition. You'll have to wait here."
At that moment the screen next to them turned on, showing a smiley Miror B.
"Fohohoho! We meet again, kiddies!"
"M-Miror B.! You cowardly cheat!" Silva yelled at him.
"Cowardly cheat? That's so not true~! Taking a hostage is perfectly fine as a bargaining tactic!"
"You call that a tactic?" Rui retorted. "Plusle'd better be okay!"
"Oh, the darling couldn't be any safer if it tried! I'm sure it'll come to adore me before too much longer."
"You've got to be kidding! Where is it? Give it back!"
"Fuhohoho. No running or hiding for me! Come to the cave; that's where I'll be. I'll be waiting for you, my pretties~!" He sang before disconnecting.


After healing up on the first floor, they immediately went towards the cave's entrance.

On their way, Rui noticed the file in Wes' hand. "What did you find?"
"Another Ein-file. It describes how Shadow Pokémon are made. How they shut their hearts, like we know. Furthermore, Ein wrote about how they can be recognised: they didn't know that those Pokémon exude a dark aura, because normally it cannot be seen by the human eye. Unfortunately they discovered a girl, you, who ís able to see those auras. This is a major problem to them, since you might become a huge obstacle for their 'Shadow Pokémon Plan', as they call it, and a solution is urgently needed."
"So that's why they abducted me..."


- Cave's Entrance -

"Hm? Oh, I get it. You guys weren't new recruits, but just intruders, too?" The entrance guard summed up the story. "That guy earlier was too weak for words. How about you? Are you going to keep me amused?"
"Hmph, see for yourself. Misdreavus and Umbreon, Go!"
"Goldeen, Shadow Qwilfish, let's do this!"
"Misdreavus, Shadow ball. Umbreon, Confuse Ray!"
"Qwilfish, use Surf and Goldeen, use supersonic."
"Bring the Goldeen down with another Shadow Ball and Umbreon, use Secret Power on Qwilfish."
"Minimize!" The guard yelled at his Qwilfish as he sent out a Linoone.
Wes withdrew his Misdreavus to replaced it with his Bayleef.
"Linoone, Odor Sleuth. Qwilfish, Surf."
"Umbreon, use Toxic on the Linoone. Bayleef, Body Slam the Qwilfish."
Finishing off the Linoone with Bite and Shadow Rush, Wes ended the battle with Snagging the Qwilfish.


"Take that!" Rui exclaimed whilst punching the air.
"Battling you was fun, so that's good enough for me." The guard said. "If you want to go through, go right ahead."
Wes shrugged. "Lets go, Rui."

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