Chapter 26

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Wes picked up an item which Dakim had dropped at his jump. It looked like some kind of disk.
"Sir!" Rui ran up to he man who was still lying on the ground. Both, they helped him stand up.
"Ow, that wasn't an experience I'd ever want to have again. I'm glad you came to my rescue. Thank you!" He said. "I'm Vander. I'm an area leader here at My. Battle."
"I'm Rui and this is Wes. We're glad to see you!" Then she explained everything about what happened to Vander and why.

"Hm... What you've told me explained a lot. Thanks to you, I know exactly why they attacked us."
Vander took something out of his pocket and held his hand up, showing what he just grabbed. "This is the Time Flute. I happened to find it while I was on training trek. It's said that the Time Flute will summon Celebi, but just once. Here must be something about Celebi that frightens them. They obviously don't want Celebi to encounter Shadow Pokémon. But let's not spend any more time here. Let's go back down."

Back in the welcome hall, Vander held out the Time Flute again. "But here, I want you to have this."
Wes accepted it from him.
"B-but... Are you certain?" Rui protested a little. "May we really have something this precious?"
"Of course you may. I'd rather have you use the Time Flute than have those crooks take it by force. Use it, and save the Shadow Pokémon from their sinister plans."
"Thank you." Rui responded, still being a little astonished.
"By the way, you two seem to have been fighting that gang for a long time. You should come here for training, then. It will toughen you up much, much more. I have to warn you though. If you come up against me, I won't ease up one bit."
"Thanks for the tip. I'll make use of it when needed."
"I'll be waiting!" Vander smiled, waved and then left for his spot in his training area.

Rui sat down at one of the tables and asked where they'd be going next.
"I'm planning on going to Outskirt Stand to stock up on items."
"Oh, right."
"Something wrong?"
"I was just thinking about Pyrite Town. Would they be alright?"
"We'll report back to Duking after stocking up on supplies."


- Duking's place -

"...We got rid of them at Mt. Battle."
"Wes, I heard. Thank you. You did it again. But we don't know why they'd go to Mt. Battle.."
"Well..." Rui started explaining what Dakim and Vander told them; discussing what they knew.
"Ah, so that's why. They were after the Time Flute. That's what it was. Still, the Relic in Agate seems to be important to Shadow Pokémon. I think you should check into the Relic some more."
"Okay. Checking it, won't harm anyone, will it?" Rui said and they headed off, back to Agate.

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