Chapter 47

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Sherles and Johnson had taken off with the arrested criminals, Nascour and Evice. At the police station, they contacted another prison, in a desolated location somewhere far away. There, Nascour and Evice would be staying for a very long time, under strict surveillance.

Silva and Duking returned to their homes in Pyrite Town, offering Sherles and the others a hand with their jobs as well as keeping peace at the place.

As for the others: Eagun and Pikachu planned on returning to their home in Agate Village, back to Beluh.
Rui gave her grandpa a hug before letting him leave. "Thank you for your support. And.. Be careful on your way home, grandpa."
"No need to be so worried, Rui. You know not to underestimate this old man." Eagun chuckled a little. "Hey. Why don't you come to our home? There you'll be able to take a good rest. You too, Wes."
Wes looked at Eagun after hearing his name.
"I will be inviting the other folks, too. We'll all be having a blast tonight. Hohoho." Eagun laughed.


Later that day, everyone had gathered up at Agate Village. All the villagers, Silva, Duking, Marcia and her friends, Sherles and Johnson were already present. They all had their drinks and their snacks. The atmosphere was extremely positive. Pokémon were playing with each other. People were sitting and standing together with each other. Laughing, chatting, glad that the problems with Cipher had been solved. Glad that everything will be going back to how it used to be.

The sound of a motor engine sounded near the Village's entrance, getting turned of soon after.
"Big lady! Hero man!" Marcia came laughing and running towards them. She gave Rui a tight hug and smiled brightly at Wes.
"Hello, Marcia. Are you having fun?" Rui asked her.
"Mhm!" Marcia nodded. "Come! The other people are there!" She said as she pulled Rui all the way up the hill, to the others.
Wes got the groceries out of the passengers seat of his motorcycle, including the herbs from The Under and brought them to Eagun's house, where Beluh was.
"Ah, thank you, sweetie. You may place them in the kitchen for me, if you will."
Wes did as she said and returned to the living room. "Anything else?"
"No, it's okay now. Go outside. Have some fun." Beluh smiled.
When he walked through the door again, he inhaled the fresh air from the place.
"Hey, Wes!" Duking yelled and - together with the people he was standing with - waved at him.
Wes lifted his hand as a sign to say hi. He then turned left and went to the highest part of the village. There he sat down behind the small waterfall.

Rui was looking for Wes and decided to ask some people since she couldn't find him.
"Silva, do you perhaps know where Wes is? I haven't seen him in a while."
"Yeah, he went towards there." Silva pointed at the location he meant.
"Okay, thank you."

Arriving at the waterfall, she saw him laying in the grass, eyes closed.
"Ehm.. Wes?"
Wes opened one eye to see who called his name. Recognising Rui, he says up straight, turning slightly towards her.
Rui walked up to and took place next to him. "What will you be doing now that everything's over?"
"Hm..." Wes looked in front of him, into the distance. "That's what I've been thinking about. I'm not entirely sure though."
"You could stay here, with me and my grandparents? I'm planning on staying here to help them and the other elderly villagers with their daily needs. If they want of course." Rui giggled.
Wes showed a small smile. "Thanks, but no. Staying around in one place for a longer period of time... That's not for me. I think I might go travel across the region. Training and purifying the remaining Shadow Pokémon we caught. Perhaps discovering something along the way, like a mystery for example."
"I understand." Rui now also looked into the distance in front of her. "But know that you're always welcome here. Okay?"
Wes showed a smile of gratitude.
"Hey, You! Lovebirds!"
'Huh??' They both thought and looked behind them.
Senilor had come to get them.
"Everyone else is waiting for Orre's heroes. Come on, now." He gestured them to come quickly.

"Ah. There they are." Eagun said and raised his glass when Wes and Rui had joined them. "To Wes and Rui, who have cleared Orre from that evil scum! Our heroes!"
"Our heroes!" Everyone else echoed as they also raised their glasses.


The evening had gone by and everyone started saying goodbyes and leaving for their homes.

"So... this is it then." Rui said to Wes as he was packing his stuff and his motorcycle. She had placed a hand on her arm, not completely happy to have Wes leaving.
"I guess. But not forever, you know." Wes said as he placed a hand on Rui's shoulder.
Rui frowned a little. "What do you mean?"
"I will have to come back here once in a while to fully open the hearts of the Shadow Pokémon." He said as he removed his hand from her shoulder again. "I need the Relic Stone for that, remember?"
Rui nodded slightly. "You'll be able to do so? On your own, I mean."
Wes stepped onto his motor. "I hope so. I'll just have to watch their behaviour. If it's become less destructive, I'll bring them to Relic Forest."
Rui gave him a quick hug before taking some steps backwards. "Don't get into any trouble, okay?"
Wes got caught of guard, but stayed calm. Then smiled. "Can't promise." He started the engine and turned around, leaving the village and Rui behind him as he drove farther and farther away.

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