Epilogue (pt.1)

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Almost two months had passed since Cipher's downfall. Just like Wes had said before, he was training and traveling across the different locations of the region. In this process, he had purified 30 out of the 42 caught Shadow Pokémon so far.


                   - Outskirt stand -

The bartender made sure that his customers were contend.
Wes was one of these customers. He was taking a rest at the place before continuing the purifying processes.
After a while, his P⭐DA rang.

Nett: "We, that's myself and Secc in Pyrite, developed a new system of downloading data automatically to your P⭐DA. From now on, information about Shadow Pokémon should arrive directly from people connected to the network. Check it out!"

'Wasn't the whole thing solved? Are there still some left?' Wes thought and opened the Snag List function. Scrolling down, he read the names of every snagged Shadow Pokémon, including where and from who. Nothing out of the ordinary. Except for two new entries. The names Quilava and a Croconaw were added, but lacked from any further information. 

After Wes had gotten up and walked out of the stand, he received another e-mail.
Secc: "Big guy, there's trouble! The Kid Network got a word that a suspicious-looking Pokémon was spotted in Pyrite. I'd like to give you the full story in person, so can you come visit me?"

Wes frowned. He decided to contact Rui and meet up at Duking's, where Secc was waiting.


"Hey, you called? Is it true we didn't get all the Shadow Pokémon?" Rui asked Wes when she had arrived.
"Perhaps. We shall find out soon."
Inside, they shove the bookshelf aside to reveal an opening. Upon entering, they walked up to Secc.
"Oh, hi, guys!" Secc greeted them. "We just got some news. There's this rogue called Cail who hangs around Pyrite's entrance. It sounds like he recently battled this creepy trainer. They say that this trainer used some weird Pokémon. I think you should talk with Cail about this."
'That Cail again...'

- Pyrite Town entrance -

"Cail! Is it true that you saw a Shadow Pokémon again?" Rui questioned him when approaching.
"Huh?" Cail looked up. "Yo, we meet again! About the Shadow Pokémon? Oh, yeah, I remember battling one, sure."
"I'd be willing to share what I know with you. But only if you can beat me. You ready?"
"Always." Wes replied.
Cail smirked and sent out is new, stronger team. It consisted of a Gardevoir, a Granbull, a Shiftry, and a Machamp.
Both trainers were evenly matched. Yet, Wes was able to beat Cail and get the information he was looking for.
"Fair is fair. That trainer, he used a Shadow Quilava. The trainer's name was... Uh... I forgot.  He did say something about the Snagem Hideout, though."
Wes became silent.

"The Snagem Hideout?" Rui whispered when they were on the road. She glanced at Wes, but he was too focussed on his thoughts or maybe something else.

As they reached Phenac City, Wes decelerated.
"Wes, why are we stopping here?"
"We might need some more supplies."
'Hm?' Rui thought. "Oh, of course. For just in case." Rui got out of the passengers seat.
Instead of seeing Wes get off too, she heard and saw him accelerate again.
"Wes! What are you-?!" She ran after him, but couldn't reach the vehicle. She stood there dumbfounded, then became somewhat angrier.

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