Chapter 35

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"Two rooms for the night. Here you go, young lads." The old man behind the hotel's counter said as he handed over their keys.
"Thanks. See you tomorrow again." Wes said and went this room for some alone time, relaxing for the rest of the day.
"That song of a-"
"Language, missy." The old man interrupted her.
"Ah, sorry. He just has been a little bit of an annoyance today."
Rui then went to do some shopping. After doing so, she also called it a day.


The next morning, they went to the Kids Grid to discuss things. When they arrived, Nett was in his room, as usual, and Megg was grooming her Shroomish.
"Hm? Oh, Wes! Everyone in town is saying that you beat Venus! It's the talk of the town! That's so amazing! I'm in awe!" Megg almost sounded as if she was fangirling. "By the way, Bitt let your friend, Silva, escape from his jail. Silva wanted us to tell you thanks."
"Glad he's a free man again."
"Oh, Wes." Nett had opened his door. "Thanks to you, we got the Kids Grid back up and running. Honestly, thank you."
"No problem. We discovered something on the way. We found the Subway train and apparently it leads to Cipher's Shadow Pokémon Lab."
"Huh? The Subway goes out to the Shadow Pokémon lab? So, that's how they did it! Wes, you're going to go out to the lab, aren't you?"
"We kind of did already, but they blew a part of the place up. They're clearly prohibiting us from entry. We did find some kind of key, however. Perhaps it's of use there."
"For sure. Also, the lab will have important data on Shadow Pokémon. It doesn't matter what it is; if you find any sort of data, please be sure to bring it back here."
"We will. Thanks."

Leaving the kids alone and using the ufo to travel to the The Under colosseum, they went for the construction elevator at the far left.
They ended up outside and were able to get to Wes' motorcycle.
"To the lab we go." Rui said as she stepped into the passenger's seat.
Wes started the engine and they took off.


- Shadow Pokémon Lab -

Parking the motor gave them a little more thinking time to make up their minds.
"The main gate. Remember? It needed to be opened with some special key?"
"You're suggesting the one we found the other day?"
Rui nodded. Wes walked towards the gate's control panel and used it. "Maingate Key, it is."
"You take the right door, I take the shutter on the left."
Wes agreed and opened the door to the right. Rui came walking towards him. "The shutter won't budge."
"This one does, so let's go."
They entered the lab and approached the sliding doors. "A cardkey is needed..."
"Hm.." Wes went through the door to his right."
"What's this?" Rui asked when peeking inside.
"No idea. Lets find out." Wes said and flipped a switch. Somewhere outside, they heard a sound.
"That has to be the shutter! That's the way to go, Wes."

The left part of the lab wasn't that big. They could only go to the right, where some stairs where. Following the hallway, they stood in front of more stairs. Descending these, they hit a dead end.
"Whoa. Wes, this is where we ended up last time. We're at the other side of the crevasse."
"But nothing very interesting to find at this side.. let's go up again."
Atop of the stairs, some stumbling and mumbling sounded. Wes put a finger on his lips, letting Rui know to be silent, and then signed her to followed him.
"This is discrimination. Why do they single me out for these extra assignments?" Someone from the lab's staff was complaining. "There's still packing left for the move out of this lab... grrr..."
"Ehmm, Hi?"
The scientist got spooked and slightly jumped. "Wha-wha-wha-who are you? You're suspicious! Therefore, you must be intruders! I'll stop you! Go, my Voltorb!"
"This isn't necessary.. Meganium, Umbreon!"
"Both of you, use Sonicboom!"
"Body Slam and Bite on the first Voltorb."
"More Sonicboom!"
"Razor Leaf, and Bite the next one, Umbreon."
"Is that the only move you have? Finish it, Meganium."
"What did I do to deserve this?" The scientist mourned.
"I told you, it wasn't necessary."
"Bah! I'll make you regret seeing me!" He warned them and got out of the room.
"Okay then.."
"Ahwell, at least we got this." Rui held up a cardkey the scientist had dropped.
"Lets use it to really infiltrate the lab this time."

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